Oct 28, 2010 12:13
[Basil is standing infront of the school-gates, with a packed suitcase beside him and a letter in his hands which he rereads once again.]
'Dear Mr. Di Re [ttly just made that up OTL],
It is our greatest pleasure to announce to you, that all works, thesis and portfolios submitted to us by yourself have been approved by the Dean, so has been your request for a scholarship.
We must also aknowledge you that the age barrier for your application in our academy has been removed and you are requested immediatly to be here.
Approach the administration with this letter and the attachted invitation until the 1st of November, 2010.
Best regards,
Giovanni d'Oro, Adv.
Head of Council,
CEDEF - academy of arts.'
[He folds the letter again and sighs, sitting on his suitcase as he waits for the taxi that will take him to the airport and back to Italy.]
{{OOC :: I am very much dropping the awesome and very charming Basil.
The reason for it is that I can't RP as him as good as I want to! ;3;
Feel free to remove him from your friends' list. :D
Basil is leaving Hitman High [THAT FINE ESTABLISHMENT, I SAY!] but not LJ.com, feel free to nudge/tag him in my [coming soon!] musebox~!}}