Jan 15, 2008 21:36
....i should have posted these here a while ago...but being me i forgot
11 Jan 2008
Are you the one?
I'm bored...something new and exciting. As a reslut i thought i'd post another long winded and pointless blog about life and the world in general.....now that i'm here i'm totally not inspired...and now i need to pee....hhhmmm...maybe inspriation will come on the toilet....
Back....i don't know if i've had a rant about italian toilets yet....if i already have apologies...but here goes. Basically the way they're made the back of the toilet catches everything....if you catch my meaning..? So everytime you go you have to clean the toilet...tis just common curtesy...you hang a bog then remove the evidence for the next person who happens to arrive...tis like spraying air-freshener or opening the window. My dearest cousin failed to attend to this curtesy...needless to say when i went in search of inspiration the toilet was painted a lovely shade of brown....munt worthy to say the least! Although he did open the window...so i guess he wins some points there. I'd like to point out that i have nothing against him, he's a good kid (even if he is six month older than me) tis just that we haven't connected as people....would probably help if we spoke to each other once and a while....but half the time i have nothing to say to him...there be no common ground.
OMG! i'm totally obsessed with this song. Tis Psycho Killer - Kate Miller Heidke (thank you Marky Mrak for telling me about it ♥) tis a pissa...though it fails coz i can't sing along. Tis so totally odd i think i shall make it my theme song! hmmm Note to self myspace music her and see if it's on here. I wish i could sing like that...i really want to do lessons or something...but sif it'll ever happen.... 'i hate people when they're not polite!!!!!!' LOL
In other news.....Psycho Chicken.....what the...?! *clears throat* moving right along...my presence has been requested in Vizzini for a family dinner thing....so totally don't want to go back there though. But i have to otherwise there be like this whole big disaster and then they won't speak to me ever again and then they'll tell everyone how unmannered i am and what not then call my mother to inform her that they're not speaking to me and therefore not speaking to them...etc etc....then the world will end and yeah.....so for at least a weekend i have to head back there...need to speak to Zia Cettina about it and see what she says...THEY'RE HARDLEY EVEN FAMILY! TIS MY DAD'S COUSIN! bah! i so don't want to go back there....they're all so close minded and backward...even the young people...they all fail at life. This town is dirty and smelly like its people...maybe i can organise to go there for like 3 days then come back to Buccheri....hmmmm.....once again will need to speak to Zia Cettina about it.
I really need to wash my hair...it'll have to wait til tonight though coz i don't think the water is hot enough at the moment. Here the hot water and central heating system is all connected to their fireplace. Tis a rather nifty system coz they don't have to buy and wood, they have their own trees etc and they don't have to pay for the electricity or gas to run the heating/hot water...the only thing is that you have to wait for the fire to get to a certain temperature to heat the water....and there is no hot water in the morning.
hhhmmmm i think that may be all for now...i kinda cbf writing....going to go trawl the internet.
love you long time radiochildren
Why is myspace suddenly in italian?
Ok so....as some of you may know, i was attempting to change my flight home from the 17th feb to at least the 1st feb, for various reasons. Well i found out today, finally that there is no chance in hell! Every single seat in every single price range is booked out except for business class, so not even going there! So i'm stuck here til the 17th, which means that i shall arrive home on the night of the 18th feb. Six glorious days before uni goes back...why did i not think of that earlier?!
(it just occured to me that i don't have any music on...please excuse me for a moment)
So anyway...i'm going to spends at least another 2 weeks in sicily then migrate back north to florence and organise to see Venice, Pisa, David etc. >Depending on how much time/money i have i might see if i can organise a tour of somewhere through an agency...though not sure yet.
I've decided for my birthday i'm going to be buy myself a pair of D&G undies. Had planned to get D&G glasses frames but tis not worth it...with the exchange rate etc tis cheaper to buy them in aus. Also i may buy myself a pair of sexual granny type shoes! P.S if you were planning on sending me sms for my b'day on either of my numbers don't bother coz i probably won't get them....there be something wrong with my phone and i hardly ever have reception. myspace me or soemthnig....
Yesterday i went to a shopping centre an hour and a half away called Auchan with my aunties and uncles. For here tis huge, it has 50 or so shops....southland has 500 and is concidered small...i didn't tell them that though...Anywy i totally found two of the hotest tops ever rikki, ever! Apart from that we had some awesome ice-cream.
The other night my cousin Seby took me to meet some of his friends at one of his friend's houses. Twas pretty cool. They're all so different to the people from Vizzini. There was one guy who picks/sells olives for a living who loves AC/DC...twas pretty awesome...got roped into an interesting duet to Thunderstruck....Alberto didn't really know the words...just sounds...:P haha twas fun though. The reason they all caught up was to say farewell to one of their members who was leaving the next day to go back up north for uni. They were all totally jealous that i was finishing my arts degree at 20 :P haha they won't finish their courses til their 24-25....system is really hard here. Tis the same that you have to do 8 subjects a year but the minimum the course goes for is 4 years. one they have completed each subject they have a written oral and a spoken oral, that goes for every subject...including maths. If you fail one of the exams you fail the whole subject. If you fail the subject you have to repeat it and pass in order to be able to move on to the next year's subjects. Totally sucks. And then at the end of it all you have to write a thesis, kinda like having honours combined into your degree, to beable to receive your degree. I like our system better! so much easier!
Anyway the night was fun...twas spent taking many a myspace photo, listning to music and singing badly, smoking way too many cigarettes and drinking way too much. Got home at about 3am...went to bed at about 3:30....was woken up the next morning at 11:30am...not impressed! When i went down stairs i'd lost my voice....came back after a strong cup of coffee and a panadol-type-thing.
Apart from that i've been babysitting and bumming...nothing really new. hmm...i think i might leave it there....
OH! i forgot to bitch! i've been trying to change my msn password all day but the site is so bloody slow to load! i don't know if tis my cousin's pooter or the site but either way it totally fails!
Again a consiglio....if you log into msn and i'm there and don't reply it means that i've been logged in on another cumputer somewhere in florence....this is why i'm trying to change my password.
love you all long time, up the bum styley
Jessca Out
06 Jan 2008
Totally ate the chicken..
Turns out it was from the butcher....twas actually rather tasty! New Years eve kinda failed....but yet agian it generally does. We ate continueously for a few hours then sat around plaing cards....twas great....at least i kicked a few arses at Italian cards...win at life! However much the night before failed, i awoke the next day with a relatively positive attitude, ate more food then went for a walk with Santina around the local area. Twas a nice day, the first one for about a week that wasn't cloaked with fog so thick you couldn't see more than a metre in front of you.
Nothing really all the exciting has been happening....still babysitting and the like. Should be moving on soon. I'm trying to change my return date home to the 1st feb rather than the 17th feb, having problems with uni....until i have my ticket sorted out i'm not moving/planning anythnig...we'll see what happens.
I was going to write somethnig here....somehting in particular....ah! Last night there was an earthquake on the south east coast of Greece, 6 on the Richter scale, and we felt the tremours here in sicily. Woke up this morning at 6:20am to feel my bed moving ever so slightly to the left and the glass rattling in the windows...was actually rather cool...though i was half asleep so i wasn't really thinking straight. Though i remember thinking that it would be pretty depressing to die in Buccheri :P LOL hahaa
i really have nothing else to report....
i'll leave it there then