Dec 16, 2007 21:24
Ok so Sicily right now...kinda bored out of my mind. During the day i eat and watch t.v with my nonna.
Let me take a second here to describe her for you. She's almost 80 years young, with snow white hair, dressed completely in black (since my nonno died 6 years ago), not much over a metre tall and with the mouth of a drunken sailor. She stresses when i don't eat all three courses she has prepared for me, every meal, and when i do eat she stresses that i haven't eaten enough....i can't win. She makes me laugh hysterically because she talks to her self whilst she does the mundane things she does every climbing down into the piece of counrty-side opposite her house to collect firewood, washing the floor (which she does daily) and of course cooking. She speaks only sicilian dialect and swears almost constantly. In short she makes my day....when she isn't pissing me of with the 'non hai mangiato abbastanza!'
I have also come to love italian day time t.v, with its semi-naked hostesses girating against the festicle old male presenters....che schifu! Most of the 'reality' t.v is just a group of people yelling at eachother about nothing in particular....take Uomini e Donne as an example...the italian dating show. look it up...tis hilarious! I'm currently addicted to 'Instant Star' and america sitcom that has been terribly dubbed in!
Apart from the home life with nonna and the t.v, i go out almost every night with my cousin Santina, who makes me laugh almost constantly! She speaks the best sicilian i have heard from someone under the age of 50! Everynight we go out to Giovanni's nonna's house which is now idea where nonna is now...Anyway everynight we go there saying that we're going to play cards. Instead we sit around watching concerts, talking about who's with who and all the town gossip and occasionally the odd tid-bit about sex and the like. This starts at around 8:30 every night and finishes at about 11ish...people come and go as they please and the world is a good place.
OMG! (This is what i was telling you today Jasealine, before i ran out of credit) Everyone here is sicily is so short! I'm like a giant here! There are maybe a handful of people who are my height or taller and most of them are female! I shall take photos to demostrate this. All the guys here are tiny! Some of them barely reach my shoulders! Tis totally NOT a turn on...The guys up north are taller, but seeing as i met very few of them....sad pants!
What else....i may be getting my nose pierced with Santina...but who knows....i also want to get my librette done. Also may be going to Paris and Amsterdam with Harry from uni which should be entertaining (note to Cynthia: if you're reading this to mum and dad please leave that bit need to stress them out/have them make nonna lock me up in her house...) OMG! that's another thing! today my nonna was saying thqat she was going to marry me off to some sicilian bumkin so i could stay close to her....*rolls eyes in disgust* don't get me wrong i love visiting the family and all....but live here....i think not.
Next week Jenny's coming to sicily and we might be going to buccheri (a town twenty minutes from Vizzini, where i'm staying) where my other cousins live to hang out there....should be invigorating :P Then new year will probably spent in campagna (out at some farm house) with the cousins and some loud music/alcohol. Should be interesting to say the least :P
oh yes! and i finally found where the computers are but i'm not sure if they'll let me use it again....coz tis for locals....will have to drag the cuz here again some time....probably next week
love you all muchly and miss you like the deserts miss the rain *sings*
Jessie out
Once again if you've gotten to the end you deserve orgasms!
16th dec
Sicily take two
Right, well...on...friday night my Zia Cettina came and picked me up and saved me from the boredom that was my life in Vizzini. So we having dinner at nonna's then we drive up to Buccheri, about 20mins away from Vizzini. I get here only to discover that all my wildest dreams had come true and my cousin Sebastiano has a computer with!ADSL internet!
Very exciting....anyway....So saturday morning i am woken up at 6:30am and told to put on really warm aunty ended up giving me some of her warm clothing because what i was wearing was not warm enough. (as an aside: OMG! being here in sicily is like having 5 mums....tis painful! all they ever tell me is to eat and put on another jumper before i catch a cold! PAIN!).....Anyway, so we get into the car and drive for about 30mins...all the while heading further and further into the uninhabited country side of Sicily. Finally we stop and we're surrounded by olive trees. (another aside: Buccheri is famous for it's olive oil...everyone in Buccheri has a orchid or two filled with olive trees...which of course have to be picked...) They had taken me into the country side to pick olives...all on my parent's orders! Twas cold and damp....the highest temperature it reached all day was something like 6 degrees....when we arrived it was -1!! The Olives were frozen! We had a fire going the whole day. The actual picking wasn't so bad. we put down huge tarps and all you had to do was drop all the olives on the ground and collect them that way. We ended up finishing around 1:30-2pm ish...coz it was getting colder rather than warmer. By the time i got home i stank of smoke and OB, was not a happy camper. Though i did quite enjoy being out in the country with all the fresh air....the great thing about italy is that there are less bugs! i hate bugs!
So after showering, with no conditioner, oh the pain, oh the frizzy hair! We head off to my cousin Katia's house to see Renée, the newest addition to the family, born just over a month ago. Both times i've seen her now (we went again today) she's been sleeping....she's so cute! She's got this timy little nose and the little fingernils *makes weird cooing noises, realises one's cluckiness and slaps self* The thing the kinda freaked me out was that they have already pierced her ears....not even a month old and she's got this gold hoop earings in her tiny little ears....hmmm....Anyway Saturday night they took me out to the restaurant where Sebastiano works. He's a pizzaiolo, a dude who makes pizzas, and is very good at it! Ate more that i thought was humanly possible. Jessie is getting fat!
Today i did almost up took some photos of the snow, watched t.v, ate lunch, Went to Katia's, had dinner and now i'm here....
Tomorrow i'm going to Palazzolo with Katia and Vittorio and then back to their's for lunch and then who knows....something....
that is all for now kiddies. have fun doing what you do