Aug 22, 2012 15:11
Oh... Hi, LJ! Long time no see!
We closed on our house 8/10. We've been working almost every chance we have to update/change/improve things before we move anything major in to the new place. This includes priming and repainting just about everything we can. The yard is no longer as much of a jungle and little things like the laundry now work (although we still have to get a better foundation under it) with the added bonus that the bathroom is no longer multiple wretched colors.
Of course, living in two places has added some confusion, as well. I am pretty sure where most things are, most of the time. Every once in a while, however, something gets away from me. Like which place did I leave my watch at? Where is the laundry soap? If things don't fit in my handbag, they tend to be forgotten....
We keep hanging in there, however. Once we're done, we won't have to deal with the major task of moving for a very long time and we can form our new house into the kind of home we've always wanted.
I'll try to keep people posted for things like Moving Day and House Warmings. Don't know when they will be, but we're working on them!