Thankfulness Project: Day 13

Jul 13, 2012 19:10

I am thankful for a flexible job, even though I am very rigid about my own hours. I am showing this today by following my boss's advice and leaving work early! I am also showing this by using its flexibility to leave early on Inspection Day in order to be there with Mr. M to go over the house as well as taking the closing day off.

In other news, we've hit a minor snag in the whole house process, but we'll get it sorted out. We are seeing the house on Sunday (again) and the inspection is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon. If the inspection, minor issue and appraisal all go well--not even "according to plan", just "well"--we will be closing in early August. Which means we will have a few summer months to get settled in before winter hits and a few weeks to get the whole place ready for occupancy before we have to physically be out of our apartment.

thankfulness project 2012

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