Well for the first day of break it was really fun. Talked to Tommy, Vikee, and Kevin and watched Phantom of the Opera. I rearranged my room..yes again. Then Janine called and her Andy, Marcos and me went to China Sea. It was so funny.
Words of the night
Janine: That little bitch!!
Marcos: It will be like those shirts you put on after you have sex with Shaq.
Me: Marcos your small you'd probably be Shaq's bitch.
Andy: Her dog hears cheese. (and when I sat down at the table the first thing I hear is) And he just slaps the ho and blames her for it.
After we left we decided to come back to my house. We showed Marcos Miyavi, Mana, Aya, Malice Mizer. Marcos and me told Andy about Ed Wood since it turned out we both liked his movies and The Dresden Dolls. Andy wrote this awesome piano piece so but he cant play piano. He did it on his computer. So I started talking to him about Dresden Dolls and Marcos liked them too. It was funny he felt bad for thinking things about the "Girl" from Turbo cause we told him Till the age of 19 she was a he. So he felt weird thinking she was pretty.
Keiji Kunoichi: kevin is really intertaning when you say things in japanese to him
Basiljackie: lol hot!!!
Keiji Kunoichi: well... he did call me moody
Basiljackie: hehe
Basiljackie: aw
Keiji Kunoichi: Keiji Kunoichi: and its so kawaii (its a stuff animal for my mom)
Keiji Kunoichi: it screams to be hugged!
mexecutionerfan: okay
mexecutionerfan: hug it
Keiji Kunoichi: i already did
Keiji Kunoichi: ^^
mexecutionerfan: oh okay
mexecutionerfan: *Cough-Chick-Cough*
Keiji Kunoichi: Keiji Kunoichi: damn right i'm a chick
Keiji Kunoichi: *points at chest* SEE I HAVE BOOBS, BITCH!
Keiji Kunoichi: his new name is aho-tan
Basiljackie: yay!!!
Keiji Kunoichi: ^^
Keiji Kunoichi: it was either Aho-tan or baka-san
Basiljackie: lol
Basiljackie: nice!!
Keiji Kunoichi: and its better calling him aho-tan
Keiji Kunoichi: and secreaming: AHO-TAN NO BAKA!
Basiljackie: mexecutionerfan: hi how are you?
Basiljackie: Im alright
Basiljackie: you?
mexecutionerfan: eh ok
Basiljackie: how about you aho-san?
mexecutionerfan: ahhhh!
mexecutionerfan: no!!!!!!!
Basiljackie: nani?
Basiljackie: lol
Keiji Kunoichi: haa haa
Keiji Kunoichi: mexecutionerfan: i cant believe you got to jackie!
Basiljackie: lol
Basiljackie: haha!!
Keiji Kunoichi: xD
Keiji Kunoichi: how could i not get to you?
Keiji Kunoichi: ^^
Keiji Kunoichi: see fun yelling at him
Keiji Kunoichi: OMG! James's x-day present that my sister did is awsome!
Basiljackie: what did she do?
Keiji Kunoichi: a pic
Keiji Kunoichi: h/o i'll see if she posted it on-line
Basiljackie: yay
Basiljackie: Basiljackie: Kevin darling
mexecutionerfan: yes?
Basiljackie: Vikee always gets to me
Basiljackie: and you should know that by now
mexecutionerfan: haha
mexecutionerfan: i do
Basiljackie: good boy
Keiji Kunoichi: xD
Keiji Kunoichi: clicky
Basiljackie: oh and i clicked it alright
Keiji Kunoichi: lol
Basiljackie: omg!!
Basiljackie: thats awesome!!
Keiji Kunoichi: i know
Keiji Kunoichi: its even better in real life
Basiljackie: nice!!!
Basiljackie: Im worried
Basiljackie: its like 4 pm and Anthony isnt online
Basiljackie: maybe his sick?
Keiji Kunoichi: maybe...
Basiljackie: lol
Keiji Kunoichi: i saw we go break down his house's door and find out. all swat style
Basiljackie: YAY!!!!!
Basiljackie: I know where he lives!!!
Keiji Kunoichi: xD
Basiljackie: and how much he pays on his house in taxes!!!!
Keiji Kunoichi: xD
Basiljackie: this site is great
Basiljackie: too bad they tock the blueprints off though
Keiji Kunoichi: *stabs kevin*
Basiljackie: he go buhbye
Keiji Kunoichi: he go take shower and leave me to call da ppl and me no good w phones
Basiljackie: aww
Basiljackie: slap him
Keiji Kunoichi: i should
Basiljackie wants to directly connect.
Basiljackie: looky
Keiji Kunoichi is now directly connected.
Basiljackie: what does that scream?
Keiji Kunoichi: gayness
Keiji Kunoichi: KEVIN
Keiji Kunoichi: gaia?
Basiljackie: lol
Basiljackie: YES!!!!!
Basiljackie: Kevin gay?
Basiljackie: or less gay?
Keiji Kunoichi: xD
Basiljackie: or is this a sign that thats Kev's future?
Keiji Kunoichi: xD
Keiji Kunoichi: *x_x* <- died of laughter
Basiljackie: MY QUEEN!!!
Keiji Kunoichi: ^^;
Basiljackie: yay!
Basiljackie: you live
Keiji Kunoichi: yuppers
Basiljackie: Gaia sells hammers!!!!!
Basiljackie: oooh!!!
Keiji Kunoichi: cool
Basiljackie: Anthony doesnt care if we get married
Basiljackie: so we can!!!
Basiljackie: Kevin can be the flower girl!!
Keiji Kunoichi: xD
Keiji Kunoichi: haaa haaa.... *shoves him in a dreww and put make-up on him for the hell of it*
Basiljackie: YAY!!!
Keiji Kunoichi: kevin would look funny in a dress
Keiji Kunoichi: *grabs wig as well*
Basiljackie: yeah he would
Keiji Kunoichi: hmm.... we'd have to give him fake boobs wouldn't we?
Keiji Kunoichi: bb
Keiji Kunoichi: *brb
Basiljackie: lol yeah we would
Basiljackie: okis
Keiji Kunoichi: okay back
Basiljackie: hihi
Basiljackie: DUDE
Basiljackie: Kevin with DD
Keiji Kunoichi: xD
Basiljackie: LOL
Keiji Kunoichi: omfg that would be so funny!
Basiljackie: lol
Basiljackie: YES!!!
Basiljackie: he'd be bumping into everything
Basiljackie: and yell at people to leave his boobs alone
Keiji Kunoichi: xD
Keiji Kunoichi: Basiljackie: he'd be bumping into everything
Basiljackie: and yell at people to leave his boobs alone
Keiji Kunoichi: i told him that
Keiji Kunoichi: mexecutionerfan: huh? DD?
Keiji Kunoichi: mexecutionerfan: are you DD?
Basiljackie: LOL
Basiljackie: omg
Keiji Kunoichi: i know
Keiji Kunoichi: okay... i need to know if this would be funny
Keiji Kunoichi: kevin said he wanted a pony for christmas
Keiji Kunoichi: so i'm thinking of buying him a 'my little pony'
Keiji Kunoichi: yes or no?
Basiljackie: YES!!!!!!!!
Keiji Kunoichi: ^^
Basiljackie: Basiljackie: Want DD?
mexecutionerfan: no vikee does
Basiljackie: i seriously doubt that
mexecutionerfan: Implants, sweety
Basiljackie: i know darling
Basiljackie: but do you know how big DD is?
Basiljackie: mexecutionerfan: yes
mexecutionerfan: HUGE
Basiljackie: lol
Keiji Kunoichi: se example of me being able to use: "Aho-tan NO BAKA!!!!"
Basiljackie: lol
Keiji Kunoichi: but no.... i think I'll just beat him with the pony once I buy it
Basiljackie: yay!!!!
Basiljackie: pony on Kevin action!!
Basiljackie: ....ew
Keiji Kunoichi: THE IMAGES!!!!
Keiji Kunoichi: THEY BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Basiljackie: OH GOD
Basiljackie: ><
Anthonysattan666: lol, and this image is oddly suggestive,
http://www.newtek.com/lightwave/gallery/displayimage.php?album=3&pos=3Basiljackie: your oddly suggestive
Anthonysattan666: i was at the dentist again
Anthonysattan666: and i forgot to ask about the siemens thing
Basiljackie: LOL
Basiljackie: you should have remembered
Anthonysattan666: lol, and today i realized something
Basiljackie: oh god
Anthonysattan666: all my moms people are good for is haveing gay sex with whiteys