Over the weekend I learned that you can still get down to Vanilla Ice

Jun 12, 2006 10:53

Over the weekend my neighbors held a backyard wedding for a friend of theirs. They’ve been planning it for months and have been decorating since last Monday. What’s my part in this you ask? Just simply managing traffic and covering up my basketball hoop to prevent it from sticking out like a sore thumb in photographs. It’s the good neighbor sorta thing to do.

I know some of you might wonder how it’s possible to cram 50+ people in a backyard. Well, for starters we live in old ranch style houses with a large backyard, big enough to keep cattle and horses or one very big dinosaur. These are not the “very large” backyards people in San Francisco always claim to have; the kind that ends up being the same size of my closet. In addition, I’m pretty sure some of you, and by you, I mean women specifically, are probably thinking to yourself, “What a shitty wedding having it in someone’s backyard, mine will be extravagant and in hotel at least!” Well let me tell you, after having been to both, I prefer the smaller backyard wedding and there isn’t any other couple I envy more.

Why? Because it feels more real, and because you’re in your element and you’re not pretending to be anyone other than yourself. You don’t live life 247 this way. You’re not the Trump man, stop being a wannabe. It’s probably the same reason why I prefer house parties over clubs where you pay $15 for admittance and to get hassled at the gate because of your shoes. It’s a celebration where your friends setup, organized, planned and put together for you, because they love you and want to give you something quaint, sentimental, and memorable. These are the same people you live life with, grow old with, and die with.

Economically it makes more sense too if you’re on a budget. People tend to over look the fact that a wedding is a day while a marriage is a lifetime, and end up spending recklessly to fulfill some shallow dream. Statistics show that the majority of divorces result from financial troubles (although in many cases it’s not true). To think, if people had more reasonable weddings and money management skills their marriage might have lasted longer.
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