(no subject)

Sep 13, 2012 22:45

Save the Human
Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski 
Summary: One of the Alpha's from the Alpha pack kidnaps Stiles. They talk about his boy problems.
post season 2.

You Smell Good To Me
Pairing: Jackson Whittemore/ Stiles Stilinski  Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski 
Summary: Now Jackson was not only saddled with babysitting Stiles, but he had to worry about the other teen having a fractured skull or a bruised brain or something. Even if he woke up, he was going to look like he'd been hit in the face with a Mack truck. Which was undoubtedly going to be fun for Stiles to explain to his father tomorrow, but that wasn't Jackson's problem.
-Or, the fic where Jackson finds out what Stiles smells like.

Beware of the Spell
Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski 
Summary: Seeing twenty four year old Derek smile is... Terrifying, pretty much. He has only witnessed such a thing a handful of times, and it always feels a little weird. Like the smiles get torn straight out of Derek's soul in a hurtful way.
Fifteen year old Derek does it all the time, though, with surprising ease.
-(Or, the one where Derek gets hit by a spell and is suddenly fifteen again.)

The Jealousy Trials
Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski 
Summary: Lydia Martin is not stupid. She sees exactly the way Stiles looks at Derek, and the way Derek looks at Stiles. But they are stupid boys, and if anyone can get them together, it’s her. So she has a plan and the intent is simple; make Derek Hale as jealous as physically possible.

teen wolf fic rec

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