Number of times tonight fire alarm has been set off by the oven: 3
Amount of time watching Elizabethtown before realizing it was a horrible movie: 2.7 minutes
Amount of missing for Sasha: increasing
Amount of wishing I was going to Costa Rica with Sasha: exponentially increasing
Likelihood Bailcat still has fleas: very
Number of pink roses resting in a vase in our living room: 7
Possibility of coming up with any more of these number bullets: zero
"When you cremate me, will you put me in a pink urn?" - Me
"Only if you put me in a one with Kiss on it" - Lyric
"It looks like a pink octopus is attacking her head" - Lyric on a hat Sarah Jessica Paker was wearing on Sex and the City.
Picture for Kicks
Jared and Sasha and my artistic foot at Cbunch's Graduation Party