I Saw an Educated Girl Give Her Hair a Twirl

May 25, 2006 11:16

Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Sasha and I hadn't ever met. It is unimaginable, everything would be completely different, would I have even made it through college? When it comes down to it, we don't have that much in common really. She's insanely clean and organized, I'm moderately messy and disorganized. She's this classy Russian that knows the ways of the world, I'm an awkward girl from a smallish town that is completely random and a bit unknowing when it comes to some things. We have some musical interests in common, but certainly not all. Why do we click? Maybe it is because we both like rice with ketchup, who knows, 'tis a mystery yet to be solved. I'm just going to soak it in while we are still in the same city.

Last night the girls pictured below watched All About My Mother while enjoying a delicious parfait mix including bananas, strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries. Everyone should try this parfait concotion RECIPE it is quite easy:
-one vanilla pudding (instant is fine, possibly preferred)
-one conatiner of cool whip (fat-free is just as good)
-any fruit you want to chop up and throw in (berries and bananas are the best).
Make the pudding (make sure it has been cooled), fold in the cool whip, mix in the fruit, and VOILA delciousness squared. Go make it, NOW, you won't regret it.

The movie was good, a bit strange and sad, but good. I want to see Da Vinci Code even though it received bad reveiws.

2K Thai is yummy, but they really shouldn't have changed their menus. Honestly, did they really think black menus with a small goldish font was a good idea in a poorly lit atmosphere? We went there for Kris' Bday Dinner and took Rob's Thai-food-virginity, craziness.

Picture of Ze Day

Me, Sasha, Lyrikeet. Note bowls and plates are completely cleaned out, yeah, that's how we roll.

I had some quotes from Pellerin but this entry is getting too long and I need to get to work. Coming soon?
Jay and I are going to Great America with APIQ this weekend, could get a lil' out of hand, get fired up.

Oh yeah, Farmer's Market had FREE CAKE yesterday! It was good cake too, not cheap-cardboard-tasting-grocery-store-cake. Sweet, literally.

the dynamic duo, pictures, alexandra chesnokova, loving, coffee, recipes, farmer's market, pink hair

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