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Jul 31, 2008 17:23

Most everybody recognizes that theft, killing, and control of others is wrong. How is it then that 99 percent of everybody supports the idea of a government which is defined by those things? It seems to me that the only way people can rationalize things that if done outside of political systems is considered a crime is to view those in government as being on a higher plane of existence than those outside government. In ancient times, government leaders were considered gods and therefore could kill and plunder their subjects since their subjects were of a lesser humanity. The monarchs who were not considered gods justified their unequal status to their fellow humans by way of a supposed divine right by God to rule. The majority of the people might never go for the legalized crime of all taxing monopolistic governments if they were not seen as being the rule of something superhuman. Any regular human claiming such power would be and is seen as the criminals they are and treated accordingly. Today, the institutionalized and systematic theft, slavery, and killing through taxes, war, inflation, and all other forms of property rights violations is justified in the eyes of the masses by way of the deifying of the collective through socialist democratic republics. It works like this. Imagine three people on a deserted island. Two of the three want things done one way, and the third one wants things done another way. The two can't force the third to go along with the other two because that would be a violation of the third one's natural liberty to their person and property. In order for the two to coerce the third to go along with their plans and be justified in their own minds as well as possibly in the mind of the third is to create a superhuman being who by its superhuman status can morally force the third to go along with the other two. They come up with the notion that there is a god like thing called humanity of which they are just a collective part. This mystical collective being's will is expressed through democracy by way of majority vote. Things like socialism, democracy, and republicanism therefore get their sense of legitimacy by the same means that all governments have which is by convincing the masses of the superior nature of the government rulers or the superhuman entity they act on behalf of. I cannot support collectivism in any form. My god is God. Not the false collective humanity.
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