
Nov 25, 2009 00:29

I don't know if it's just me or what, but I realize that nobody post on here anymore. Is it the mere fact that we no longer have time as we have grown older or just we have gone away from expressing our true feelings? I had to get online and see whAt all has been going on. Obviously I haven't missed out on too much here. I know that I personally have become way too busy it seems for much of anything. Between figuring out what I want in life and work I'm not sure how anyone has time. I am trying to get things situated though to be able to make more time.
I have moves into an apartment of my own. I work full time now and finally have really good insurance. I constantly battle with wondering if I'm doing the right things or not. I'm not sure that will ever change though. I constantly am giving out advise to friends even though I never take my own advise. My mother is engaged now and will be getting married next year.
Many things have changed in just the past few months, and I'm sure that there is a whole lot more to come. I hope everyone is doing well. I hope that everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving with their families. Don't forget to get online occasionally to post too. Miss you all!!!

v-day celebration

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