Dec 22, 2007 14:04
And thus, playtime for teacher!
My students are the awesomeness. Not ONLY did they kick butt on their proportions quiz - the LOWEST class average was 80% - but they were also able to stay on task, and well behaved up to the very last minute!
Even my 7th period! They were actually the BEST behaved class on Friday. On a minimum day. When they were pretty obviously hyped up on candy, and desperately trying not to let it affect them (and succeeding!) I'm very proud of my 7th graders. :)
And the curse of a teacher before Christmas has hit me... more chocolate than I can *possibly* eat in the next year. Thus, the spirit of Christmas sharing kicks in. Anyone nearby want some chocolate? Little sister has already gotten some, but I've a bit more that needs a good home if it's not to go to waste ;)
My whiteboards came in for the classroom - and the kids were thrilled to get to use something besides the sheet protectors. They've also got graphing stuff printed on the back side, so when we start learning how to graph lines in January, I can use 'em. Whiteboards are SOOOOO useful for a quick understanding check of a room. Because honestly, in a room of 32 kids, it's sometimes hard to figure out who's really got it - and the kids don't usually know right away either. *much love for whiteboards*
Almost have shopping done too... Just need something for Mom, and one more thing for husband. Need to wrap too... Guess that's what Monday's for!
Laundry's in progress, house is starting to resemble clean. Tree is decorated and still living. Dogs are unconscious.
Life is very good!
Time for WoWage... shammy made 67 today, so ALMOST ready for Kara-key quests!