Jan 23, 2006 12:36
My day started off waking up at five o'clock this morning. Why you ask, because Normally, I never wake up this early EVER, unless I've gotta recap on some studies, or whatever. I went to Memphis last night to see Chicago-the Broadway Musical at the Orpheum. It was pretty cool, I bought tix for my sister and I to see the show, and man was it GOOD. I think it totally blew the movie away! I'm not really big on these types of shows, but I absolutely loved Chicago the movie, so I was like "HEH, WE CAN GIVE IT A SHOT!" Jawhar and Jawhar give it TWO THUMBS UP! hehehe. It was raining all night last night, so of course traffic was a bitch to get there. So, dropping Jennifer off in the front to get our tickets, I had a pretty hard time finding a parking spot. I mean parking lots weren't packed, but every damn spot was taken...Which, I guess would make it "appear" to be packed. Whatever, anyway, so there was this homeless guy that pointed me to an awesome spot, that I had didn't even see. It was right in front of the building, but off to the side...Kinda felt shady about the situation, because even though, they are still people, it's hard to know what exactly they will do. I MEAN THEY ARE HELPLESS....Anyway, so I said thanks alot....Blah BLah Blah..>And he said if I could help him, isn't what they all say? I said, man, do you have change? I felt stupid as hell asking him that. That was after it had already came out of my mouth, and he said I have a few dollars. "I have to feed my kid, and try to find a spot, out of the rain. He has school tomorrow." Now, I think I've heard it all, but for some reason he touched the sensitive side of me. I gave him the ten dollars, and told him to take care of his son as I was walking off...Then after him telling me he will, I said I BELIEVE YOU BECAUSE, nothing else in the world should matter but your son." Just to give him a guilt trip, in case he was going to buy a rock or something with that. He really didn't look strung out, or a drunk, so that's why he got to me, I guess.
SO, the show was awesome! There was alot of color, music, risque movements, glitter, drama, etc. At certain points, I felt like I was experiencing Mardi Gras for the first time, and stuck in a Juke joint somewhere up north. There were parts, that really, really, really, hit that sensual nerve that got me all hot and horny! hahaa...I'm talking about "uncomf, sister is sitting right next to me." But it's all good. Just, dammit, go see the Show!
So, back to me waking up at five...I get ready for work, and we head out the door around six. The drive, was a nothing short of HORRIBLE! Totally, HORRIBLE. I think my dad has turned out to be a drama King from age! So, he talks, talks, talks, bitches, bitches, talks, I'm listening, listening, taking up for Jennifer, trying not to let it go through one ear and out the other, talk, talk, talk....So, which pretty much FUCKED up my day at work. I'm here all damned depressed because of everything, trying not to be so damn obvious! Smoked a shit load of smokes, and can't wait to go home...Anyway, I can't wait until seven so I can burn some serious FREE AIRTIME, because it's going to happen.
Work is sucking, people are so stupid...It's like where is the book, " MAKING RESERVATIONS FOR DUMMIES." Have they come out with that book yet? Anyway, well I'm going to read the USA TODAY, since It seems to be quiet.>THANK GOD!