Camp Somewhere 3/27

Sep 24, 2005 08:29

Author: zebraljb
Rating: NC17 with underage sex
Disclaimer:I know nothing about them, but this is also alternate universe
Note: I started a community for all my fic. It's called if you're interested.

Lance lay on his cot and ate his orange, angrily swiping at tears as he ate. He couldn’t BELIEVE that he had actually wanted to come to this place. That he had spent weeks talking his father into it. He should have known better. He wouldn’t fit in here any better than he did at home. He had thought that maybe at an arts camp he would find someone who understood. But that was all a dream.

“Bass!” Josh snapped, sticking his head into the tent. “We have a camp meeting now. You need to be there.”

“Okay.” Lance threw his orange peels away and quickly trotted out of the cabin. He followed Josh back to the dining hall. Josh took a seat up with his friends. Lance sat alone in the back. He listened to the camp manager drone on and on about what was expected of him, tuning in only to hear the man discuss the final show at the end of the summer.

“Lance!” Meadow came running up to him after the meeting. “Are you okay?”

“Fine,” Lance mumbled, not able to meet her eye.

“I wanted to introduce you to some of my friends. This is Chrissy, Britney, Mandy…” Meadow listed a few more names. Lance finally looked up and saw a group of girls looking at him in adoration.

“Hi,” he said shyly, and they giggled as one. A few were his age, but most of them were a year or two younger.

“Listen, Lance, I’m gonna ask my counselor if you can sit with us when we eat, okay? Those guys are jerks,” Meadow said. The other girls nodded.

“I don’t know,” Lance said, imagining the teasing he would get for sitting with a table full of girls. Then he glanced over at Nick and AJ and Justin. He couldn’t read their expressions at first, then realized they were jealous. He smiled. “I mean, I don’t know if Josh will let me.”

“I’ll work on it,” Meadow promised. “Sweet dreams, Lance.”

“Bye, Lance!” The other girls chorused as they walked away. Lance blushed, and for a moment he almost wished he was more interested in girls. They were very nice.

The next morning, Lance groggily woke up as Josh started yelling at them to get out of bed. Josh had a small alarm clock next to his bed, but it had rung for over twenty minutes before Josh actually woke up enough to hear it. Lance yawned and stretched. “You guys get ten minutes to shower,” Josh told them. “You know where the bathhouse is.”

Lance stared at him. They all had to shower together? “Um, Josh?”

“What, Bass?” Josh snapped.

“Nothing,” Lance whispered, picking up his towel, shorts and soap.

Lance took the quickest shower of his life. He didn’t want to be caught looking, and his eyes kept wandering. Maybe all the boys at home were right. Maybe he WAS gay. He pulled on his shorts and began to towel his hair dry. “Hey! Where’s my towel?” Nick Carter yelled, walking out of the shower buck-naked. Lance blushed and looked away as he packed up his toiletry bag. “McLean…”

“It wasn’t me, dude,” AJ said with a grin. “Lance? Did you steal Nick’s towel?”

“No,” Lance whispered, turning to leave.

“If you did, Bass, I will kick your ass!” Nick yelled. “And my sweatpants are gone, too!”

Lance slipped out of the bathhouse and started up the path to his cabin. He saw Josh walking ahead of him. Josh was soon joined by his friend, Joey Fatone, and they laughed as they saw each other. Lance was shocked to see Josh waving a pair of grey sweatpants and a white towel in the air. Joey punched his shoulder and held out a pair of boxer shorts. Lance held back, not wanting Josh to know he had seen everything.

“Lance!” Meadow jumped on Lance as soon as his cabin reached the dining hall. “You’re gonna sit with us, right?”

“Lance, aren’t you gonna introduce us to your friend?” Nick Carter asked, throwing a friendly arm around Lance’s shoulder. Lance shivered. Nick had finally convinced AJ to run back to the cabin and get him some clothes, but it was still something he would be teased about all summer.

“Maybe I don’t wanna meet you,” Meadow snapped. Nick frowned.

“Um, that’s AJ…and Justin…this is Meadow,” Lance mumbled. Meadow looked at the boys.

“Hi. C’mon, Lance. Britney’s been saving you a seat.” Meadow practically dragged Lance to her table.

“Britney? No fair!” Justin said as Lance walked away.

The girls chattered loudly, and Lance silently ate his oatmeal. He could feel the stares of the boys from his cabin, and he actually didn’t mind. It was kind of nice being the center of attention. “So, Lance, do you sing?” Chrissy asked. He nodded. “Me, too. So does Brit. And Mandy. Meadow dances. She acts, too.”

“Do you know what you’re singing for the final show?” Britney asked Lance. He shook his head.

“I brought some music along, but I’m not sure.”

“I bet you’ll be great,” Chrissy said, and Britney nodded in agreement. Lance blushed and said nothing.

Lance soon realized that his nightmare was only going to get worse. He found out after breakfast that the mornings would be spent doing physical activities such as swimming and hiking, as well as team-related games. It was like a morning full of gym class. Lance wasn’t very good at gym class.

“We have Frisbee Football first,” Josh told them as they walked to the field. “If you guys embarrass me…I will so kill you.”

“God, Josh, cut us a break,” Justin whined. “It’s only the second day.”

“But I have to live with you losers all summer.” Josh turned to Lance. “You gonna fall all over the place again, Bass?”

Lance remembered how Josh had stolen Nick’s clothing, and for some reason that made him brave. He raised an eyebrow. “I guess I should just be glad that you guys are stuck with me and that I didn’t have to wait to be chosen last,” he said. AJ chuckled and Justin even smiled.

“Whatever.” Josh rolled his eyes.

Lance found out two things that morning. He found out he couldn’t catch or throw a Frisbee to save his life. But he also found out that he could run. He could outrun anyone that was going after him. If his teammate was close enough to easily toss the Frisbee, Lance could catch it and run. And run he did. AJ McLean looked after him in amazement the first time he did it. “Whoa, Lance. Slow down, buddy!” But there was a big grin on AJ’s face, big enough to match the huge frown on Nick’s face.

“Not bad, Bass. Not bad,” Josh told him as they walked back to their cabin with their first victory. “You might not embarrass us TOO badly.”

“You guys run up to lunch,” Josh told them. “We have cabin inspection after lunch, before we go to our studies, and I wanna make sure you guys have this place looking good.”

“God, I was ordered around less at home,” Nick griped. Josh grabbed him by the ear.

“You’re what, Carter, thirteen? I’m seventeen, and I could quite easily kick your scrawny butt. You do what I say or go home to your mommy, understand?” Nick nodded. “Good. Go to lunch.”

The boys filed out of the cabin. Josh watched them go, sighing. He could think of nine hundred things he’s rather do with his summer, but his mother would hear none of it. She wanted him to be trained by the best, and this camp was the best. Josh picked up the bucket behind the door and headed for the pump behind the cabin, frowning as he walked. He filled the bucket, wishing things were easier. He was practically an adult. He was supposed to be able to make his own choices. Unfortunately, his mother didn’t see it that way. He carefully propped the bucket on top of the door, leaving the door slightly ajar. He whistled as he left the cabin, trying to think of a way to keep the campers out of the cabin until inspection.

Nick and one of the other boys hid behind a tree, watching Josh walk away. They had seen the entire thing. “Come on,” Nick whispered. They went in the back door of the cabin and carefully removed the bucket from the door. “We don’t have much time.”

“I’m assuming, Mr. Chasez, that you already have this cabin whipped into shape?” The camp headmaster said as he approached the cabin. “I know this is your first year as a senior counselor.”

“Yes, sir, but they’re good kids,” Josh said, giving them a fond look. Lance watched AJ pretend to gag himself.

Josh looked over at the doorway and smiled. At any minute, a bucket of water would dump down onto the headmaster, and the campers would be blamed. No one would ever think of him.

“Well, Mr. Chasez…” the headmaster opened the door and everyone saw the bucket fall. But it didn’t dump water on his head. It dumped a slurping brown mud. The headmaster gasped. The campers gasped. Josh gasped. Lance’s mouth fell open. “Mr…Chasez…”

“I don’t know who did this!” Josh said truthfully. “But I’ll find out.” He stepped around the headmaster into the cabin and looked around. Something caught his eye under Lance’s cot. A pair of Lance’s sneakers, with mud on the bottom. “BASS?” Josh yelled. Lance hurried in.

“Yes, Josh?”

“Can you explain this?” Josh waved the sneakers in the air.

“Those are mine…but I hadn’t even unpacked them yet!” Lance told him.

“There’s mud on those shoes. Mr. Chasez, take this boy to my office. When I’m cleaned up, I’ll meet you there.” The headmaster angrily squished out of the cabin.

“Josh, I didn’t…”

“I don’t give a fuck, Lance. Get your stupid ass up to the office. NOW.” Josh threw the sneakers down and shoved Lance out of the cabin.

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