Hi! I've had a website up for a year or so and I'm just not interested in maintaining it anymore. The thing is, I have all of these pictures which I've spent an embarrassing amount of time cleaning up and organizing. At present I have 9,796 *nsync pictures, and I would really hate to just delete them all, so I was wondering if someone else could use them. I'm not willing to go through and split them up, meaning if you want one you get them all, but I am flexible about the delivery method. If you have a fast connection, I could arrange for you to just download them from where they are right now, which wouldn't include the one's I haven't gotten around to adding to my site (823 to be exact, but lots of them might be duplicates). Otherwise I'd be willing to burn a couple of cd's and mail them out. I don't want to spend a lot of time on this, so I'll probably only give them to the first few people who get back to me. I also have 5,031 Lord of the Rings pics, if anyone is interested. I'm cross-posting this all over the place, so try not to get too crabby with me if you see this everywhere. Just send me an email and I'll get back to you one way or another. If you want to know what kind of pics I have, the website is
http://www.embracetheobsession.us/ . Thanks!