Permanently public post - All my awards

Apr 05, 2006 10:25

This is my oficial award post.

I don't enter in icontests anymore (don't have the time) but there was a time when I did. So here you can find all my awards.

Inicially they were in my userinfo, but I guess it takes tons of time to load with so many images. This post will be public so new people can see my awards (my userinfo is public too, so...). And obviously this post will be updated if I, but any chance, win more awards. In that case, I'll always make separately posts for each new award (if I win more), with the respective winning icons for you to snag. These posts will be FRIENDS-ONLY! In my userinfo there will always be a link to this post, right under the small "awards" banner.

My awards:

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