midterm was awful. i showed up late (thought i was early) and lied through my teeth about car troubles until i was able to take the exam. stressful shit. i maybe should have just went home when i realized i was an hour late...
but then i had dinner with ross, which was a bit sad but mostly good. it's really important to me to spend time with him while he's still in (relatively) good health, but it's still hard to think about. then i was off to kevin's for birthday cake, beer, and freaks and geeks. awesome.
today i went to bon's with keating and decided that i wanted a new scarf. i stole one from american apparel a couple weeks ago, but gave it to mike. decided i wanted another one, so i went back and got the exact same one. matching scarves, what!? at least we live in different cities so it won't be so bad. and anyway, we're cute. also, i got a new skirt, even though it's too cold to wear it really. ruling.
i have to work tonight, and i reeeally do not want to. also, i have another midterm coming up on tuesday for a class i hardly go to. school is killing me in small bits..
p.s., have you met my cat? he's kind of a jerk, but at least he admits it.