My 24 hour comic is here. It is called "Meat Liberator" and is about an indecisive vegetarian who goes crazy: Forgive the horrible sloppy html, I can't make webpages no more to save my life.
This comic taught me a lot. For example, I really need to be more diligent about figure drawing: things like hands, length of limbs, etc. Second, I really need to learn how to draw certain things, like cars. I have pretty much accepted that I'm not that great of a draughtsman, but on the other hand, nothing kills the mood quite like a deflated, mutant-looking car or a lopsided building. Feel free to offer any other observations that I may have left out here.
On the other hand, I drew these 24 pages in 24 hours. I did go to sleep once for about an hour, but woke up and drew 2 pages in the next hour.