A Night Out to the Theater

Feb 23, 2006 09:53

It's been ages since I went to the theatre, but last night I attended with friends who had complimentary preview tickets. Having misread an email, I thought I was going to see a Chilean play called "Leo" (which takes place before, during and after the dictatorship--real light fare). As it turned out, it was a preview for their new production of Michel Tremblay's "Past Perfect." Considering I was suffering from a pesky cold, it was a blessing in disguise.

I am familiar with the "biggies" of Tremblay's milieu (Les Belles Soeurs, Albertine in Five Times, Hosanna), and this felt like a reprise of much of his earlier work. Predictable, like a good roast, all you have to do is prepare it well.

Oddly enough, of the four of us who went together, two thought it was a comedy and loved it, the other two thought it was a drama and felt it over the top. Ain't theatre grand like that! The main character Albertine (a familiar variation on Tremblay's recurring character) was an absolute 4 on the Enneagram scale ("I'll never forgive you for not understanding me!") and since both Ralph and I are so well versed in Enneagram we killed ourselves as she hit all her beats. I haven't seen so much spit on stage since the Canstage production of "Angels in America" back in 1997 (Roy Cohns).

Hmmm, I really should see about season's tickets. I forgot how much I love theatre.

Query-did people in the Depression really call it "the Depression" when they were living it, or was it coined afterwards?
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