so my week is just sucky...

Aug 23, 2005 06:50

on top of my Grandmother dying here's the rest of the sh*t that's going on.

-instead of three months to live, now they've given her one month. so we are taking our trip to see her this friday. I have to take Friday and Saturday off work to go... which would normally be fine, but I can't afford to miss those 14 hours... oh well. and I usually LOVE going to Yreka, but I have a feeling that this trip is gonna suck. How much fun can you have when your Grandma is terminal?

-then yesterday I wake up and some a*s-hole keyed my truck!!! WTF?!?!? It's not just a little line either. They put a big swirl on the top of my teanneu cover and a DEEP wavy line accross the entire back of the tailgate! I am SO freakin' pissed!!! At first I thought I must have pissed someone off really bad... but then I discovered that I wasn't the only victim. This person (or people) got at least 4 other vehicles in my parking lot at home. That is just SO screwed up! And they only scratched the SUVs... weird. I had really wanted to get my truck repainted because the top coat of clear finish is starting to flake.... but now my truck is at risk for rust because they went SO deep into the metal! Grrrrr! Why are people so mean?

-and with the whole "job hunting" I looked at WAMU and they wanted me REALLY bad, but they were gonna offer me less $$$ to go there. A lot less (like 3 dollars and hour) So I talked to my branch manager at B of A and she said she can give me more hours, but not as personal banker. I have to take 30 hours as a teller only. Oh well. It's about the money, not the job description. So I took it. I am also gonna try to make some side $$$ by applying at a local bar on the weekends. Wouldn't that be fun? I don't know how to mix drinks, so hopefully I can go to this one small bar where I know the owner and they will teach me.

But as far a suckiness goes... this week is crap. I mean it's only Teusday morning!!! What else can go wrong?!?!?!
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