Oct 01, 2007 17:33
I realized that quitting Meijer without a second job lined up was quite possibly one of the biggest mistakes of my life. It created about two monthes worth of missed car payments and phone bills and a thousand dollar loan from my dad that I hated having to get. I sat down yesterday and figured some numbers. It appears (loan from my dad aside) I am finally starting to see that I'm getting back up on my feet. I wasn't so sure for a while. I paid rent, sent in a little bit for my car, a little bit to my phone company, put enough gas in my car to get me through the week, while still having a little bit of money in the account. I've figured that if I send in $100 a week to my car loan I'll be caught up by the end of October and by that time I should be getting a check from the school so I can send the whole thing in to the loan company thus putting me about two monthes ahead with that, and still make rent with a little cash to spare. Oy, I'm slowly but surely chipping away at the debt I've put myself in. It sucks ass, it's so hard but I'm finally able to breath again, and wake up in the morning without wondering whether or not my car has been re-possessed. Once I get caught up on all this bullshit, I can start on my credit-card bills. Woohooo. Little ray of sunshine on that whole matter.
I wonder if it's a sign that it's pouring rain outside.