Aug 08, 2007 04:31
I am aweary. Emotionally exauhsted and morally bankrupt. That is exactly how I feel at this point in time. I feel like I should talk to people about what I'm up against right now, and I have people that I can talk to, I know this. Yet at the same time, I've never been good at talking about myself and what I am feeling, unless I'm drunk...Ben knows this first hand. So I feel like trying to talk would be a waste of time. It's not how I cope and handle things, it would be alot easier if it did work that way, but it doesn't pan out well for me. Expressing my emotions is not my strong point mainly because I choose not to deal with them. So I write (somewhat) about them in this blog that few people read. Then those few (whose hearts are in the right place and I love them for it) respond by saying I can talk to them anytime, which I know that I will never take them up on because it's just not how I roll...and it's a viscious circle really. I think I should seek profesional help about this matter...except I don't like to talk about what I'm feeling...Ugh. Tell me what you're feeling, and I will listen and try to make things all better. Thats what I do. I know how to do that.