Subject Claim List

Feb 21, 2008 17:52

A new season, a new list!

Please check out the rules before claiming a subject. If anything is unclear, please check out the FAQ to see if your answer has been answered before you ask again. Please let us know which subject you are claiming, which username you will be posting them as, and how many you wish to make.

Note that I will delete the comments one day after you've been added to the list, as that way it's easier to keep track of new challenge requests.

Remember, if you need more time, feel free to leave a comment. I'd be more than happy to extend the date for you.

100 Cleveland Indians ; musiquedevie ; September 30th

50 Mariano Rivera ; open_the_blinds ; August 30th

50 New York Yankees ; violet_hole94 ; June 30

50 Pittsburgh Pirates ; acountrygirl ; June 9th

subject claim list

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