(no subject)

Dec 01, 2004 17:21

•°º•°º•The Perfect Guy•°º•°º•

1. hAir cOlOR - mayb dirty blonde or brown
2. eyE cOlOR- blue or brown
3. hIGht- taller then me
4. sIX paC - fudge yah!
5. lOng oR sHOrT hAiR- *regular*
6. gLaSsEs - well if they need'em sure y not
7. pErSInGs - no!!
8. sCaReS- newhere i cant see them
9. eYebRows- not bushy!!
10. bIg BuTt oR lIl buT- umm NICE n small
11. cHesT hAir-i am not a chest hair fan
12. buFf oR sKiNny- strong! n muscles showin in the arms just a smidgen
13. sTaRt tEeTH , gAp oR bRaCcEs- straight or braces.. ryte now
14. fUnNi oR sErUis- Funny! but sweet!
15. paRtiI OR sTaY hOme- Both
17. soUld hE haVe a BesT fRiEnd- Deffinetly well a good friend
18. sOulD he haVe aLOT of gURl frIEndS- mmmmm.. yah
19. oUT gOIn oR sHY- out going
20. sARcAsTicE oR sINcEr- both
21. sHoUlD hE lOVe His mOm- yah!
22. sOulD he gO wITH U tO chIck fLicKS- mm well once in a while we would go to his movies
23. wOuLd hE bE a sMoKEr- nooo
24. wOuLD hE dRinK- nope
25. wOuLD he sWeAr- a lil
28. wOuld he paY fOR dAtEs- sumtimes
30. wHErE wOuLD wE gO fOR fUn- chuckie cheese! :-p jk i dont no..
31. wOuLD hE bRing fLowErs oN thE bUS-that would b so romantic
32. wOuLD hE lOok At dA tHA sTaRs wITH u- thats RoMaNtiCc
33. wOUlD hE rIte PoEtRy abOut u- not really.. that is a lil to luvin
35. wOulD he haNG oUT wITh u aND UR fRIneDs- yah.
36. What sHouLd hIs rAcE bE - i dont care!! :-)
39. sOcCeR- not really
40. bAsEbAlL- yah
41. bASkEtbAlL- yah it makes them nice n strong!
42. fOotbALL- yah nice n buff with a six pack
44. sURf- mm i dont care
45. sKAtEbOrD- just as long as he knows how
46. sNoW bORd- sure
47. sInG- that would b hott but no
48. pLAY gutAr - no
49. pLAy pIaNo- yah! sexi
50. pLAy dRUmS- no
51. cLEaN hiS rOon- umm i dont care..
54. usE tHA wORd dUDE- yah
55. uSe tHA wORd tIghT - mm sumtimes
56. wOulD hE wAtCH tHe sUn cOme uP wIth u- that would b like the perfect date! but if he wanted to..
57. wHaT kInd oF cAr wOUlD hE lIKe- convetable or sports car!!!
58. HoW Old iS HE - 12 n up above!
59. wHAT wOUlD hIs NAmE bE - sumthin good like a popular name not like billy or bob or richard!!
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