Poking about online before heading outside to enjoy part of the afternoon, I found out more about the
Brownie Holiday Flash camera found at Father and Son Friday.
According to
Brownie-camera.com [1], the camera does take
127 format film, was made between 1953 and 1955, based on the lens. A quick search seems to indicate finding and processing the film might be problematic, unless I trim 120 and respool it. I'll need to get another spool.
Was also discussing yesterday's
Podcasting convention in Chapel Hill with
badger, which partially involved the
Copyright Law and Podcasting track, and trying to do the anthropology on Dave Winer vs. Tim O'Reilly. A lot of the digging into the topic started with a
donation O'Reilly Books made to the conference, and went back to 2000 to an
unrelated issue between Tim and Dave. My impression? Some people try very, very hard to find offense at anything that doesn't go _exactly_ as they want it.
- In the spirit of WhatBadgersEat.com, I was thinking about WhatFilmBrowniesUse.com. Brownies shouldn't drink Squishees. Or beer. But I've seen badger drink beer, without apparent ill effect. I wonder if the page is inaccurate. [2]
- Bad, base10, bad. I know.