Title: The Time Of Turning (Reprise)/ The Weavers Reel
Fandom: Merlin
Song Artist: Peter Gabriel
Characters/Pairings: Gwaine/Percival
Words: 100
Genre: Slash,
Rating: PG13
Summary: A new tolerance of magic...and other things.
Author's Note: Part 27 of my Reflection series. Damn, again I forgot to post yesterday as RL and work gone puttered me out. This is a fantastic piece of music, do listen to it if you can! Enjoy! Beta'd by
celeste9 As the music reached its peak, the volume and tempo able to go no further, the citizens of Camelot and their King and Queen danced and rejoiced, oblivious to what was going on outside.
Gwaine and Percival had crept away and celebrated in the way they had longed to do.
When the music soared, so did they.
They came at the end of the dance.
Spent, both of them lay on the grass, panting for breath, their hands gripping each other tightly.
The old world had gone; they didn’t need to be afraid.
They could tell Arthur and the others…finally.
Twenty Six Twenty Eight