Title Abandoned II
Characters/Pairing Becker/Matt
Words 100
Genre Humour
Rating: PG
Summary Someone else has been cuffed.
Author's Note Here be Day 28's drabble. This is the sequel drabble to
Abandoned, which I had to write! Thanks to
fififolle or the checking it over. Enjoy!
Becker had to be more than stealthy after he freed himself from the cuffs, but he managed to avoid being seen
Becker smiled when he saw he wasn’t the only one who had been abandoned.
“Matt! It’s not so funny when it’s you chained to the post! Is it?”
“Becker! Help! Get me loose, please!”
“Why would I do that?” Becker approached him and teasingly stroked a hand across Matt’s cold bum cheeks.
“I’m sorry!”
That didn’t cut it. Becker smiled mischievously and kissed Matt lovingly several times around his neck, disappearing just before the police came round the corner
Day 27 Day 29