December Drabble Day 23

Dec 23, 2012 12:28

Title Lost
Characters/Pairing Becker/Ryan, Lester
Words 100
Genre Angst.
Rating: U
Summary:  Becker needs closure, he needs answers. 
Author's Note Day 23 and here is some angst for you all. I hope you like it. Again thanks to fredbassett  and  fififolle or everything! :)

He had lost his world

Becker woke up every day with an empty space next to him. He didn’t share his bed anymore - for the man he’d loved, who had given him everything, who made him who he was today, was dead

They didn’t tell him how it happened or where-or when-but Becker was left an empty shell of a man, cold and emotionless, until now.

“Do you really want to know what happened to Captain Tom Ryan? How he died?"

More than anything.

“We have a job. One I know he would have wanted you to have.”

Day 22   Day 24

drabble, angst, primeval, december drabble series, james lester, becker, 2012

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