If mo' money = mo' problems then shouldn't no money = no problems?

Sep 09, 2012 08:31

Alas, it doesn't. Dropped $140 yesterday on a meningitis shot so I can go to school. And I'm going to need to drop another $25 tomorrow for the placement test. Aigh. Oh well, it is what it is. I'll swing around to meet with financial aid as well tomorrow and see if I can't get a few hundred dollars of that sweet, sweet Pell grant.

If I can, I may take TWO classes (gasp!) and the grant should cover it. Otherwise, just one, and begging a friend of mine for the money until I can pay her back. (Which I will. I always do.)

But as it is, looks like I'll be living off home-cooked food. Which ofc is never a bad thing, except I actually have to cook it. Which means cleaning out the fridge, aigh. We're way out of containers. I made more vegetarian chili last night and just stored the crockpot's ceramic container in the fridge XD

This paycheck wasn't fantastic, mainly because the past couple of weeks just sucked for hours. But I'm opening daily now, and this last week brought me 36 hours! That's what I was pulling at my last job. If I keep this up, I'll be just fine. (of course, also gonna look for any opportunity to make overtime - come onnnn MFA! And Lakewood! You know you wanna order like 400 boxes!)

So quick Bang update: 
DABB Wave 1: 9k
DABB Wave 2: Still at 4.7k, haven't worked on it in a while, since Wave 1's deadline is coming up 
Undead BB: lol

Having trouble with the Undead BB story, so we'll see. Maybe I need an idea change. Maybe a fandom change o_O We'll see

our lives everyday

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