Feb 03, 2004 02:07
Being For The Benefit Of Mss. Cates, There Will Be IMs Tonight...
(01:47) ItsAllOurBlood:
one infamous moment for two powerbooks
(01:48) ItsAllOurBlood: it'll have on our gravestones ...was chili dogged
by chris or nat...whatever respective gravestone it is
(01:48) lovedupp: Hey, it will be a footnote in the behind the music special
for our soon to be famous electro side project
(01:49) ItsAllOurBlood: "chris and nat were friends for about a year...and
what really made them come together was the infamous chili dogg incident"
(01:49) lovedupp: Incidentally, that gave birth to their infamous band name,
"The Chili Dogg Incident"
(01:50) ItsAllOurBlood: "that's right tim...the chili dogg incident...dared
by one of their mutual friends to perform the famous sexual act upon each
other...the two poor boys decided it would be a quick fix to their financial
(01:50) ItsAllOurBlood: "little did they know it would change their
lives FOREVER!"
(01:51) lovedupp: "They were soon enveloped in a proverbial shitstorm
of controversy that threatened to overwhelm any relief that $5000 might
have provided against their looming financial problems."
(01:51) ItsAllOurBlood: "shitstorm!"
(01:51) ItsAllOurBlood: @Pksdfaj;sldfkjas;dfjk
(01:51) ItsAllOurBlood: gd'fkl'asdfj ;ljkasdf;laksfdja;sldfkas;fkldjas
(01:51) ItsAllOurBlood: hahahahaha
(01:51) lovedupp: Sorry, too much?
(01:51) ItsAllOurBlood: you fuckin' asshole my face hurts now!
(01:52) lovedupp: Oh, just you wait!
Music: The Beatles-For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite