On Valentine's Day 2017, I drove into town (Morehead, KY) to check my P.O. Box, and I was surprised to see a key that indicated I had a package waiting for me. Once back at the "holler house", I opened the box and discovered that it was full of goodies from Mom, including a Valentine's Day card AND a cookbook that she had told me about the last time we spoke on the phone!
/home/torianna/Pictures/2017 Photographs/February '17/Valentine's_Day_gift.JPG
The first line of her customary card enclosure letter read, "Do try some of the recipes in the Kentucky cookbook. Some should be very good." So... I'm definitely going to do just that!
Since I've been in the mood for coleslaw lately AND I've got a couple heads of cabbage that need to be used before they go bad, I think the first recipe from A Taste of History: 100 Years of Cooking Heritage McCreary County, Kentucky is going to be "Creamy Coleslaw”.
At this point, I have yet to make this recipe, but I am posting the recipe today - in honor of Mom’s Valentine’s Day surprise box of goodies. Thanks, Mom! (I’ll be sending you a proper “Thank You” note soon!) Without further ado, here’s the first recipe from the cookbook Mom sent me:
Creamy Coleslaw
Lorella Wood
Pine Knot, KY
4 cups finely shredded cabbage ¼ cup mayonnaise
¼ cup chopped onion ½ teaspoon salt
2 cups shredded carrots ½ teaspoon dry mustard
1 small green pepper, sliced in strips Dash of pepper
½ cup sour cream Dash of paprika
Combine cabbage, onion, carrots and green pepper in a large salad bowl, blend remaining ingredients, then pour over and toss. Sprinkle with paprika.
Looks easy enough! As soon as I try my hands at making this recipe, I’ll update this post with my thoughts and, hopefully, more pictures. So, please check back soon.
In addition, please let me know about your experience in making this coleslaw recipe - or any other similar recipe, for that matter.
Happy cooking!