Today's Stats: 2 pages (752 words)
NaNo Stats: 25 pages (8139 words)
As the "Subject" line of this entry indicates, I'm still behind in word count, but... I DID manage to accomplish the mini-goal that I set for myself during today's writing session: finish my November 2016 Coaching Submission by getting to page 25 in this year's NaNoWriMo novel! WooHoo! Goal accomplished!!
Only ten times this many pages left to write... This may seem daunting now, but once I'm able to "get my butt into the chair" (and dedicate large chunks of time), I will get caught up... AND eventually accomplish my ultimate goal of winning NaNoWriMo 2016 by writing "The End" on (or before) November 30, 2016.
On that note, I'm going to close this entry, so I can get to bed since I've got a busy day ahead of me tomorrow -- a trip to the big city to stock up on food for the upcoming winter and maybe some more card-making supplies (for a money-making endeavor I'm considering AND possibly for this year's Christmas cards).