J-WEB 08-26-2010 大遅刻 です…

Sep 16, 2010 19:48

So rry. It's...

I'm just getting back from Recomen.
AM 1:27.

Recently, I've been dabbling in photography. *

Recently, Shibutani Subaru feels that finally living life is fun.

On the other hand, at some point something will come up, and I'm a little scared of that next obstacle.

The times when I'm having fun for example, when I'm happy, I'll think the opposite and get unsettled for no reason.

When I'm too happy well, I get scared.

If you can sympathize with me we'd be good friends and hang out.

Something like that.

Next week, I'll update properly.

Sorry for today, really.



1* Subaru linked to a picture here but unfortunately I can't download it from my phone and show you guys. The one I linked above is one I took a few days before he posted this entry. It is essentially the same night view of Odaiba with the bridge. His is nicer though and has a clearer view of the bridge.

2* 'ぴくぴく (Piku piku) means to twitch. Though he only wrote one 'piku' I'm assuming that's what he meant.


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