Stolen from
katieay. She asked me five questions. My answers are under the cut. If you would like me to ask you questions, leave me a comment and then post your answers to your journal!
Okay, I've had my first official warning poke on this, so here are my answers to Katie's 5 questions!
1. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Well I suppose I quite fancy a trip to a provincial, little out post of the former British Empire ;o) But since I was young I've always really fancied starting in Alaska and working my way down, obviously there are one or two countries once you hit South America you'd probably avoid but the idea still appeals to me.
2. You read a lot, do you have an absolute favourite book?
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. (Always know where my towel is!)
3. What's your favourite story of the ones you've written (fanfic or original).
Oh I'm quite proud of The Second Unbreakable Vow, because while most of it was wildly inaccurate in the long run, I did end up guessing correctly on a number of points, Snape's loyalties, that Dumbledore forced him in to agreeing to kill him and that Harry would learn about in in a Pensive.
But for the shear fun of it and and how it was posted (and I still get the odd indignant review after for the first chapter!) I have to plump for The Baby, I've never giggled evilly quite so much as I did that April the 1st.
4. What was the first cd/cassette/LP you ever paid for?
Time, by The Electric Light Orchestra.
5. Have you ever really been a fan of a celebrity (posters on the wall, etc)? Who?
Yup, lil' old Kyle, back when Gold Hot Pants (TM) took a back seat to dungarees! LOL