As I promised Danie I'd post it here, this is the afternoon group RP log where a bunch of people stop by Mamie's café, in which tuna sandwiches are eaten, Flik reminisces a lost love, Percival brings a surprise guest, Reinbach gives Hix a replica of his hat, Cecile suffers from trauma, Juan pays a large tip, Hix dances happily, a random NPC cries mute emo tears, and Mamie and Albert clash...sort of.
LAC768: Mamie: *lazily cleaning the countertops* ~_~
Danie Blight: Percy: *walks toward the cafe smiling happily* ^_^ *leans on the counter* Hey Mamie :D
LAC768: Mamie: *looks up* Eh? Oh, heya, Mister Percival.
LAC768: Mamie: Lookin' for food?
Danie Blight: Percy: *smiles* Yea, I'm feeling a bit peckish today :D Whatcha go for me? *grin*
LAC768: Mamie: Hmmm....lesse...'you in the mood for a sandwich? I'll be honest, I'm not really up to throwin' together something fancy. ~_~;;
Danie Blight: Percy: *laughs* Yea sure :D A sandwich it is then :D *frowns* Whats up?
LAC768: Mamie: *grumbles something incoherent and starts throwing together a sandwich* Nothing.
Danie Blight: Percy: Are you ssuurre? *grins* C'mon tell me. I'll listen
LAC768: (Hey, do you want me to make it a chat window--I offered Kenken to have Juan stop by.)
Danie Blight: (Sure :D I dont mind)
LAC768: (Yay!)
Danie Blight: (^_^)
You have just entered room "cafefoodandstuffyay."
Danie Blight has entered the room.
darmani spirit has entered the room.
LAC768: I made a room! :O
Danie Blight: Hey yall :D
Danie Blight: Fweee
Danie Blight: Congrats
LAC768: Anyone else you can think of who'd like to stop in to eat?
darmani spirit: Hello ladies~!
LAC768: *wave*
Danie Blight: Heya Kenken
Amefuri Tora has entered the room.
LAC768: Hello! :D
Danie Blight: *waves*
darmani spirit: Hello, lady~!
Danie Blight: Fweeeee
LAC768: So now what?
LAC768: Oh, Mamie has to give Percy his sandwich. :D;;
Danie Blight: Yes, you own him the fest of a sandwich XD
LAC768: Mamie: *ignores Percival's question and hands him a sandwich* Hope you like tuna. >_>;;
Amefuri Tora has left the room.
Danie Blight: Percy: *laughs* Tuna is fine :D Thanks ...*frowns* Mamie!! Telllll~!
darmani spirit: ((Beth is at work, so her AIM is as bad as Lisa's. >_>; ))
LAC768: (Aw~)
Danie Blight: (I thought that ^^;-)
LAC768: Mamie: Hmph. *becomes interested in cleaning her spatula* Have you seen Juan around?
Danie Blight: Percy: Nah, not
LAC768: Mamie: >______>
darmani spirit: Juan: *waves from the ground* I'm lying right here. ~_~;
LAC768: Mamie: *peers over the countertop* How long have you been there?!
darmani spirit: Juan: *yawns* Until you woke up...
darmani spirit: woke me*!!!
darmani spirit: ((>___>;; ))
Danie Blight: Percy: *notices Juan and jumps* O_o;; Don't do that >>;
LAC768: Mamie: Since when did you start sleepin' near my café? >_> *shifty glance*
darmani spirit: Juan: I don't know... for a while? It can be really quiet here sometimes.
Danie Blight: Flik: *is walking around, looking at everything, and noticed the cafe. He walks over, smilling* Hey, Mamie, was it? ^^;
LAC768: Mamie: Hm...I guess so. Well, while you're here, want something to eat?
LAC768: Mamie: *looks up* Oh, heya, Mister Flik.
LAC768: Mamie: *cleans another spot*
Danie Blight: Percy: *smiles, taking a bite out of his sandwich* :D
LAC768: (I wonder if the tuna was caught by Tai Ho. oO)
darmani spirit: Juan: I would, but you said I wouldn't get any. *picks his ear*
LAC768: Mamie: What? I said....*grumbles* Fine, fine.
Danie Blight: Flik: *smiles at Mamie* Hows things? *leans on the countertop* This place is quite nice ^_^
LAC768: Mamie: Meh. >_> Thanks.
Danie Blight: (Oh dear...)
LAC768: (Eh?)
Danie Blight: (The fish was cought by Tai Ho ><)
Danie Blight: (It might be all...eewwee)
LAC768: (XD;;; Where else could it have come from?)
LAC768: (Noooo, Mamie cleans all the fish first.)
darmani spirit: Juan: ... *finally notices Flik* Hey, Bluey... you new here?
Danie Blight: (Umm...the...hahaha I just heard the word sink, in my head. You cant catch fish from the sink XD)
LAC768: (XD?)
Danie Blight: Flik: *looks down to the man on the floor* Oo; Uh, yea ^^; Im new. Just arrived yestersday :D Its a nice place here.
LAC768: (I'd bring over Cecile, but Flik traumatized her yesterday. XD;; )
Danie Blight: (hahaha bbrrinng heerrr~! He wants to apologize)
LAC768: (Ohhh......>_> Okay. But only because she's looking for Juan.)
Danie Blight: Flik: Uhmm..Has anyone seen Cecile? *frowns* I think she was mad at me yesterday.
darmani spirit: Juan: *nods in acknowledgement* I'm Juan. *has nothing else to say 'cause he's a bum*
Danie Blight: (Aww he just arrived and he made Cecile upset XD)
LAC768: Mamie: Mad at you? Why would she be angry with you, Mister Flik? She's almost never mad at anyone.
LAC768: Mamie: *rummages around the icebox for more stuff to make another sandwich*
Danie Blight: Flik: Well...She, got all embarresed and ran off... I dont know why.
Danie Blight: Flik: Nice to meet you Juan *bows*
LAC768: Mamie: ¬¬ That sounds awfully fishy...did you go an' try to steal her job?
darmani spirit: Juan: *gets up* Mamie, get me and my friend here something.
LAC768: Mamie: *shrugs* Sure. Want tuna sandwiches too?
Danie Blight: Flik: No... We were talking about Luca the other day. She attempted to tell me about it, got embarrased and ran off...
LAC768: Mamie: Oh.....Oh...That nutter's dead when I get ahold of him. >(
Danie Blight: Percy: *is sitting munching his sandwich* :D :D
Danie Blight: Flik: What happened? Would someone care to explain ^^;
darmani spirit: Juan: I guess so. Although, I don't think I'm even that hungry... But still, I gotta eat.
LAC768: Cecile: *doesn't notice Flik and walks up behind Juan* Hey!! I've been looking for you, Juan!!!!!
LAC768: Mamie: *shrugs again and puts together two tuna sandwiches*
darmani spirit: Juan: *freezes* Wha!?
Danie Blight: Flik: *hears someone behind him, turns round and smiles* Cecile!! There you are! ¬¬`
LAC768: Cecile: o_____o Oh....Urm...I have to ....go...somewhere....else..
darmani spirit: Juan: What do you want, Cecile? ¬¬;
LAC768: Cecile: Nothing~!!! *turns to run*
Danie Blight: Flik: *walks towards her* Miss Cecile!!~ *jumps in front of her* I just wanted to apologize~!
darmani spirit: Juan: Mamie, is Cecile acting weird lately or is she just being herself?
LAC768: Cecile: *whacks into Flik and falls over* x_x?
LAC768: Mamie: *shrugs* Isn't she always like this?
Danie Blight: Flik: *is hit* Unf! *stumbles back* Oh, Miss Cecile! *helps her up* Are you alright?
LAC768: Cecile: *flails* I'm fine!!!!
darmani spirit: Juan: ... Ah, I guess so. Hey, tuna sandwich. >_>;
LAC768: Mamie: *rolls her eyes and hands Juan his sandwich*
Danie Blight: Flik: Forgive me for being so stupid *bows* I apologize for yesterday, I should not have teased you like that T_T
Danie Blight: (*giggles at Juan*)
LAC768: Cecile: ....*blinks* Oh. That's okay.
darmani spirit: Juan: *gladly takes it* Thanks, Mamie.
LAC768: Cecile: *pauses, then bows repeatedly* I'msorryitwasaterriblefirstimpressionIdidn'tmeanitpleaseforgiveme!!!
Danie Blight: Flik: Now, would you stop running away like that? *smiles*
Danie Blight: Flik: O______o;;
LAC768: Cecile: *bows again* v___v
Danie Blight: Flik: Uh.. There is no need to bow like that. *smiles*
LAC768: Cecile: *gives him a warry look* But I always do!
LAC768: Mamie: *slides Flik a sandwich when he's not looking*
Danie Blight: Flik: *notices the sandwich* Oh, thank you ^_^ *takes a bite*
darmani spirit: Juan: .. hm. *quietly munches on his own*
LAC768: Mamie: *dismissal wave, then turns to Juan* Don't forget to leave me a tip, you.
Danie Blight: Percy: *finishes his* That was nice Mamie, t
hanks *wink*
Danie Blight: Percy: *puts some potch on the counter*
LAC768: Mamie: You're welcome. Want anything to drink? *glad the conversation's shifted away from her*
Danie Blight: Percy: *smiles* Sure ^_^
LAC768: Cecile: *turns to sneak away while no one's looking*
Danie Blight: Percy: *glomps Cecile* Where do you think your going? XD
LAC768: Cecile: Ack!! x___x Somewhere else!!
darmani spirit: Juan: Ah... yeah. Here. *gives a handful of coins, 'cause he has no idea how much a tip is*
LAC768: Mamie: Hey! We still have some o' Aila's soda. ~_~ It looks fine...want some?
LAC768: Mamie: *pats Juan on the head*
darmani spirit: Juan: What? ¬¬; *continues eating*
LAC768: Mamie: Aw, what a nice tip, Mister Juan. :D
Danie Blight: Percy: I'll have some ^^; *turns back to Cecile* C'mon you! Don't be a bore! Come talk :D *gives her a noogie*
Danie Blight: (Even though she has a helmet on XD)
LAC768: (she doesn't wear it on hot days in the summer, I assume.)
darmani spirit: Juan: Heh, you're lucky this sandwich tastes good.
LAC768: Mamie: Heheh, you're lucky that sandwich tastes good, after what you went around sayin'.
LAC768: Cecile: x____x I have to leave!! I...Sir
darmani spirit: Juan: It doesn't sound like you mind it much anymore.
Danie Blight: Flik: *puts down his lunch* What is it Cecile?
LAC768: Mamie: >_> You have some nerve, spreading around bogus rumors, Mister Juan.
LAC768: Cecile: *flails* It's nothing!!!!!!!
Danie Blight: Percy: *lets Cecile go* Alright then, but if you don't stay I will have to take some of your rounds >:D
LAC768: Cecile: o____________o
Danie Blight: (Muahahahaha~!)
darmani spirit: Juan: Heheh, I guess we'll see if it's true or not.
LAC768: Cecile: Noooooo!!!!!! You can't!!!
Danie Blight: Percy: *grins* Its your choice! *is only winding her up*
LAC768: Mamie: Whaddya mean, "if it's true or not"? Rumors aren't supposed to be true.
darmani spirit: ((Was Cecile looking for Juan for a reason or was that just an introduction device? >_>;; ))
LAC768: Cecile: But--!! I....Sir Flik...I already told him about Rody's graduation!!!
LAC768: (Uh....both? I'm sure I could have come up with a reason, had there been a need.)
darmani spirit: ((I can believe that. XD))
Danie Blight: Percy: You have ten seconds to decide *starts counting*
LAC768: Cecile: Augh!!!!! *flails*
LAC768: Cecile: I'll stay!! I'll stay!! Just don't take my job!!! ;__;
Danie Blight: (brb dinner :D Be back in 5 minutes)
LAC768: (kay. :D)
darmani spirit: Juan: Uh.. what's all this commotion, Cecile? ~_~;
LAC768: Cecile: Sir Flik--he asked me about Rody's graduation!! x__x
LAC768: (*assuming Flik and Percy are standing by listening*)
darmani spirit: Juan: Was he not supposed to?
LAC768: Cecile: Well, no, but--!! x////x
darmani spirit: Juan: I'm not following.. ~_~;;
LAC768: Cecile: *traumatized* I saw things I wasn't supposed to see. x///////x
darmani spirit: Juan: Yeah, seeing a kid fly on a broom isn't really a common thing.
LAC768: Cecile: *sputters and burns red* That's not it--!!
darmani spirit: Juan: Then spit it out already! x_x;
LAC768: Cecile: But--!! But--!! You saw too!!
LAC768: Cecile: We all shouldn't have seen--!!
darmani spirit: Juan: I was kind of dozing on and off sometime after Luca arrived...
LAC768: Cecile:......
darmani spirit: Juan: Did... anything happen while I was asleep? >_>
LAC768: Cecile: *burns red again* I saw things I shouldn't have seen. x/////x
darmani spirit: Juan: Like what? ~_~;; Don't make me guess things, Cecile.
LAC768: Cecile: He...and....and.....x////////x
LAC768: Cecile: *again* I saw things I shouldn't have seen. x///////x
darmani spirit: Juan: ... I think you need to sit down.
LAC768: Cecile: *plunks herself down on a café bench* x///x
darmani spirit: Juan: *offers his half-eaten sandwich* Want some? ~_~;
LAC768: Cecile: *shakes her head sickly*
Danie Blight: Percy: *drags himself out of the void* I think I'm gonna go do some training with Borus. I'll see you all laters. And thanks for the sandwich Mamie *winks then walks off*
LAC768: Mamie: Uh...okay?
LAC768: Mamie: Hey now, come back for supper sometime, kay?
darmani spirit: Juan: *continues eating it* Well, you certainly could use something to eat.
LAC768: Cecile: *shakes her head again* I saw things I shouldn't have seen. x//////x
Danie Blight: Percy: *waves back* I will :D
LAC768: (are you leaving, Danie?)
Danie Blight: (I will be in a minute. Im gonna go round to HV's house ^^)
LAC768: (Okay. XD)
darmani spirit: Juan: Mamie, do you have something for traumatized little brats like this one? *points at Cecile*
darmani spirit: ((Awwies~))
LAC768: Mamie: *grins* Maybe......I'll take a look an' see if I've got any of Lady Taki's cookies hangin' around.
LAC768: Cecile: o____o *stares off blankly*
Danie Blight: (O_O Evil cookies?! *shudder*)
LAC768: (No!! Nice cookies!)
Danie Blight: Flik: Miss Cecile? Are you alright?
Danie Blight: (Yay! Cookies!)
LAC768: Cecile: x//////x I saw things I shouldn't have seen.
Danie Blight: Flik: ¬____¬;; Ugh...
darmani spirit: Juan: Oh pipe down, Cecile! I'm getting you something. ¬¬;
LAC768: Mamie: *hands Juan a cookie* >_> Does this happen often?
Danie Blight: (Okay, im not leaving :D I'll stay for a while :D)
LAC768: (Aw, yay!)
darmani spirit: Juan: This? No. *takes the cookie and hands it to Cecile* But it still doesn't surprise me.
LAC768: Mamie: Oh. Okay...¬¬ It's still weird.
Danie Blight: Reinbach: *floats over to the Cafe* Hey guys :D
Sam Aoshi has entered the room.
darmani spirit: Juan: Do you know what she saw?
LAC768: (yay!!!!)
Danie Blight: (welcomes Sam :D)
darmani spirit: (Yo!)
LAC768: (*cries tears of happiness* I made a room and people came...)
Sam Aoshi: ((Yo! XD Okay so what's going on besides random Cafe lovein'? XD))
Sam Aoshi: ((As you should be happy, Lisa. <3))
Danie Blight: (Thats it XD We are all at the cafe talking)
darmani spirit: ((Cecile is dying. ._.'))
LAC768: (She's in a state of trauma!)
Danie Blight: (She is?!)
Danie Blight: (Oh yea XD)
LAC768: Mamie: *shrugs* She saw the same thing we all saw, obviously.
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *pops in a few minutes late hiding his face*scoots in hoping no one watches*
Sam Aoshi: ((Alrighty. XD))
LAC768: Mamie: *grabs Hix by the collar* Hey, you.
darmani spirit: Juan: Which is...?
LAC768: Mamie: Come say 'hi' to the guests.
Danie Blight: Reinbach: Hey Hix :D *waves*
LAC768: Cecile: *stares at the cookie blankly* I saw things I shouldn't have seen. x//////x
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *hiding his face* But but...Mamie.... you promised!
LAC768: Mamie: Awww, it's just Mister Juan an' a few people.
Sam Aoshi: Hix: No one is suppose to know. ;___;
LAC768: Mamie: Mister Juan can keep a secret. *grin*
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *lifts his head* Hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi! :D
LAC768: Mamie: *warning look* Right, Mister Juan?
Danie Blight: Reinbach: Hix? Whats wrong with your face?
darmani spirit: Juan: *tilts head* Secret?
LAC768: Mamie: *whispers to Juan* He's earning some extra cash to buy something for Lady Tengaar's birthday.
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Uh um... well... see.. this is my partner job! :D If any of you tell Tengaar, I will HURT YOU ALL...badly, I think?
Danie Blight: Percy: *walks back over* You know, I can't be bothered :D *notices Hix* Oh, hey Hix :D
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Oh, HI PERCIVAL! Your looking sexy today!
darmani spirit: Juan: Oh. *grins* Don't worry, I can understand that.
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Oh....oops.... T_T
Danie Blight: (*giggles*)
LAC768: Mamie: *face faults at Hix*
LAC768: Mamie: Hix! No flirting with the paying customers!
Sam Aoshi: Hix: I-I'll go do the dishes now. T_T
Danie Blight: Percy: *winks to Hix* your not too bad yourself there :D
LAC768: Mamie: Aw, you don't have to. >_> It's okay.
Sam Aoshi: Hix: But you said I need to earn my keep! T_T
LAC768: Cecile: *takes the opportunity to sneak away from Juan*
LAC768: Mamie: You do, but you've been washin' dishes all mornin'.
Danie Blight: Flik: *sits down, dissapearing into the void*
darmani spirit: Juan: *was about to fall asleep anyway XD*
LAC768: (Don't fall asleep, Juan! We need you!)
Sam Aoshi: Hix: I suppose! *spots Flik*runs over to Flik and tackles him*
Danie Blight: Reinbach: *floats around* :D Anyone for tea?
LAC768: Mamie: Hey, I'll get you some tea, Mister Reinbach. *faint twitch*
darmani spirit: ((Actually, his mun is going to sleep soon. =P))
LAC768: (Ah, I see.)
Sam Aoshi: ((aw, no Kenken. T_T))
Sam Aoshi: ((I came too late. T_T))
Danie Blight: Flik: *is tackled* Unf~! Oh, *notices Hix out of the corner of his eye* Hey Hix :D
Danie Blight: (Kenken will be back? Wont you? *sniffle*
darmani spirit: ((It's late and I have work tomorrow. -.-;; ))
Danie Blight: *)
LAC768: (Aw~ Well, at least you were able to come for a little while. :D)
Danie Blight: (Yea :D)
darmani spirit: ((Yeah, I had lots of fun, too.))
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *cuddles Flik* Yay yay yay!
Sam Aoshi: ((Aw. well, free prods for all tomorrow! :D))
LAC768: Mamie: *would be slightly disturbed, but is used to seeing Hix like this*
LAC768: (Yay! :D)
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *points to Flik* We lived in the same village! ^_^
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Both had sexy women.
LAC768: Mamie: Ah, I see. >_>;;
Sam Aoshi: Hix: And were very happy. :D
LAC768: Mamie: *gives Flik a questioning look*
Sam Aoshi: Hix: ....I got to marry mine, but Mr. Flik... *sniffles for Flik*
Sam Aoshi: Hix: We don't know where she went. ;_;
LAC768: (Aw~ ;_; )
Sam Aoshi: ((Damn Erin needs to post as Odessa. XD))
Danie Blight: Flik: *dips his head*
LAC768: (Haha, I noticed that. XD)
LAC768: Cecile: *pauses in trying to escape and gives Flik a sad look* Are you okay, Sir Flik?
Danie Blight: (Yuppers, Flik will be like!! OMFG ODESSA!!!!! <333333333)
darmani spirit: Juan: *cuddles back into his corner and falls asleep*
LAC768: (Aw~)
Sam Aoshi: ((Yes, but Erin needs to be more active. I'll be prodding her to do so since Albert will wanna talk to her. XD))
darmani spirit: ((Okies, that's my cue.))
LAC768: (*wave* Bye, Kenken!)
Sam Aoshi: ((Aw, I love you Kenken! T_T))
Danie Blight: (Alright have a good sleep)
darmani spirit: ((See you guys later~ XD))
Danie Blight: (See ya)
darmani spirit has left the room.
Sam Aoshi: ((Happy sleeping! :D))
Danie Blight: Flik: *nods sadly* I'll...I'll be fine... *tried to smile*
LAC768: Cecile: ;__; Are you still upset at me? *bows again*
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Though it was bound to happen, she is a Silverberg after all. *nods his head*
Danie Blight: Percy: *walks towards a seat and sits* :D So, you decided to stay Cecile.
LAC768: Cecile: *glances at Percy* I had to!! You can't go taking my job!
LAC768: Mamie: *perks* Silverberg? >_>
Danie Blight: Flik: *wrestles with Hix*
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *is wrestle with* Hey hey! But! Ah! It tickles! XD
LAC768: Mamie: o____o
Danie Blight: Flik: *tickles* >:D
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *snorts* Okay off, were not gay!
LAC768: Mamie: *turns away and mixes up some soup for them* ¬¬
Sam Aoshi: Hix: And if my wife finds out...
LAC768: (*dun dun DUN*)
Danie Blight: (*le gasp*)
Sam Aoshi: Hix: She'd be ever so upset. T_T
Danie Blight: Flik: *lifts Hix off him* Yea :D
LAC768: Mamie: *coughuhYEAHcough*
Sam Aoshi: Hix: So no games where we look gay! :D;
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Unless she gets to watch!
LAC768: Cecile: *looks at the two of them questioningly*
Danie Blight: Flik: *laughs at Hix* Yea, sure ^^;
Sam Aoshi: ((Hm, Albert's still at the castle... :O))
LAC768: (*dun dun DUUUN*)
Danie Blight: (*will go fetch him*)
Sam Aoshi: ((*dies* XDDD))
LAC768: (He can hang out in the void with Sally.)
Danie Blight: Percy: Hmm... I'll be back soon *walks off*
LAC768: Cecile: *sighs in relief*
Sam Aoshi: ((Mmm Percival! XD))
Danie Blight: Percy: *turns round before he dissapears* And If I return and you are not here Cecile! Your job will be halfed!! >:D *dissapears*
LAC768: Cecile: o______o But--!!!
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Any ways, Mamie, what should I be doing? :O
Danie Blight: *voice appears from nowhere* No buts Cecile!!
LAC768: Mamie: Hm....*looks around* Oh! I know!
LAC768: Cecile: O O;;
Sam Aoshi: ((Cecilie is so cute. XD))
Sam Aoshi: Hix: You know? What do you know? :O
LAC768: Mamie: *ducks under the counter and returns with a crusty frying pan* Miss Nanami completely killed my cooking utensils last time she was here...
LAC768: Mamie: Do you think you could clean off some of this crap? ~_~
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Yes of course! :D
LAC768: (Cecile's so traumatized. x_x;; )
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Its my job!
LAC768: Mamie: *nods* That's right. If you do extra well, I'll let you wear a shiny star stickie on your uniform.
Danie Blight: Flik: So, Hix, hows your life been? :D
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *takes the crusty frying pan and goes to the big dishwashing station and starts to clean it off*shouts to Flik* EXCELLENT.
Danie Blight: (Yay for teh stickys :D :D)
LAC768: Mamie: ^_^;; *stirs up some soup for Flik*
Danie Blight: Flik: Oh really? :D Whats been so good then? Tell all :3
LAC768: Cecile: *squirms in her seat, wondering if Percival would really notice if she left*
Danie Blight: *that voice again* Your job will be halfed dear! Im warning you! >:D
LAC768: Mamie: /Here I thought he was trying to keep this job a secret. ¬¬;/
LAC768: Cecile: o______o
Sam Aoshi: ((*dies at Mamie*))
LAC768: (*dies at Hix*)
Danie Blight: Flik: *smiles ah Hix* Im happy for you ^_^ I wish I had been at the wedding though ¬¬; And congratulations on naming your sword :D
Danie Blight: (*glomps Hix*)
Sam Aoshi: Hix: THANKS FLIK! *cleaning the crap off* Its not coming off... *shakes his head* HOW ARE YOU FLIK?
LAC768: (Who knows what Nanami was cooking with. oO)
Danie Blight: (lol)
LAC768: Cecile: ~____~ *debates eating the cookie Juan left her*
Danie Blight: Flik: I'm just fine Hix, thanks :D I had a long journey though. But I think I might stay here for a little while ^^; If the castle residents don't mind, of course.
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *stops and rinses the frying pan* M-Miss Mamie!!! ;_;
LAC768: Mamie: *turns around* What?
LAC768: Random NPC: *waves to Flik*
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Umm.... there's a hole... in your frying pan. o.o
LAC768: Mamie: o______o Excuse me?
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *motions her to come over*
LAC768: Mamie: *walks over apprehensively* >.>?
LAC768: (*cues dramatic music*)
Danie Blight: (*throws a pie*)
LAC768: (o_O?)
Danie Blight: Flik: *waves to the random dude that walked past* Im glad he did :D
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *points at the small hole in her frying pan* ...your going to need a new one. ;_;
LAC768: Mamie: *grabs the frying pan* ~_~...
LAC768: Mamie: *jumps over the counter top and knocks the random NPC out with the frying pan* >\
Danie Blight: (*dies laughing*)
LAC768: Cecile: o___o
Danie Blight: Flik: *is shocked at Mamie* O.O;;
LAC768: Mamie: *steps over the NPC and hops back over the countertop* There, now I feel better. u.u
Sam Aoshi: ((Mamie, so my hero. XD))
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Yous hould ask Nanami to buy you a new one.
LAC768: Mamie: Ohhh, you bet I'm going to. >_> That's going on my 'to-do' list.
Danie Blight: Reinbach: *smiles* Hey Hix :D *appeared from nowhere*
LAC768: Cecile: *apprehensively pokes the unconscious NPC with her foot* o__o
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *still trying to wash more of the crap off* Hi Mr. Reinbach! :D I love your hat!
Danie Blight: (*laughs SO much*)
LAC768: (*<3s Hix*)
Danie Blight: Reinbach: *beams* I love it too <33 *pats his hat*
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *drys his hand and pats Reinbach's hat too*
LAC768: (Salome: *shakes fist at Reinbach from the void* >( )
Danie Blight: (Reinbach: *moves his finger in the "snipsnip" movement* >:D)
LAC768: (Salome: o__o)
Sam Aoshi: ((Poor Salome's hair. T_T))
LAC768: Mamie: *takes the frying pan from Hix* Here--If I'm getting a new one, there's no need t' wash this one.
LAC768: (It's endangered!)
Danie Blight: Reinbach: *beams* Hix, I have something for you :D Since you are such a nice person and are trying hard :D *hands him a parcel*
LAC768: Cecile: *looks around for Percival, wondering if he's gotten lost*
Danie Blight: (Hes talking to albert :D He shall return with teh goods shortly)
LAC768: (Poor Cecile's ready to bolt off--she's traumatized for life now. XD)
Danie Blight: (Whatever for dear?)
LAC768: (She saw things she wasn't supposed to see.)
Danie Blight: (Ah, that ^_^)
LAC768: (*pats her on the head* v_v)
Danie Blight: (*has finished posting all the RP's in Percy's journal* Go seee~! :D)
LAC768: (~!)
LAC768: (Oh man...Nadir...XDXD)
Sam Aoshi: ((Sorry guys! I had a phone call T_T))
LAC768: (That's okay. :D)
Danie Blight: (Its alrioght)
Danie Blight: (Nadir is love)
LAC768: (Heee heee...)
LAC768: (He is. XD)
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *holds out the parcel*
Sam Aoshi: Hix: THANK YOU! :D
LAC768: Mamie: *looks at it questioningly*
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *opens it like a kid at a candy store*
Danie Blight: Reinbach: *beams* Its the same as mine! :D :D
Danie Blight: (Its a replica of his hat XD)
LAC768: Mamie: o____o
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *pulls out...*
Danie Blight: (How lame ^_^)
Sam Aoshi: Hix: OMFG!!! :D :D :D
LAC768: Mamie: Omgfg...
Sam Aoshi: Hix: YAY! *plops the hair on his head and cuddles Reinbach*
LAC768: *omfg...yeah, you knew.
Sam Aoshi: Hix: It looks cool ontop of my visor. XD
LAC768: Mamie: Heh...yeah...¬¬
LAC768: Mamie: The color's match too. >_>
Danie Blight: Reinbach: *hugs Hix* :D :D Do you like it?
Danie Blight: (Wheesht Mamie! It looks lovely)
LAC768: Cecile: :O It's very pretty, Sir Hix!
LAC768: (Mamie: Pfft. Liar. >_>)
Sam Aoshi: Hix: It is beautiful! :D
LAC768: Cecile: :O *awed*
Danie Blight: (:O It doea!! I luff it! *spatulas Mamie*)
LAC768: (Mamie: *repels with superior spatula-powers*)
Danie Blight: (O_O;;;-)
Danie Blight: (*throws another random pie*)
LAC768: (*collective group dodge*)
Sam Aoshi: ((*dies* XDDD))
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *prances around the job site with the fluffy hat* <3
LAC768: Mamie: Uh........
Danie Blight: Reinbach: Im glad you like it :D
LAC768: Mamie: I don't know if that follows the company dress code, Mister Hix....
Danie Blight: (Im sure Reinbach can give him the outfit too XDXD)
LAC768: (Mamie: HELL NO.)
Danie Blight: (>:D Well...Thats an idea :D)
Sam Aoshi: ((*dies* I wanna see that. XDDD))
LAC768: (Mamie: *wonders if Reinbach is as immune to laxatives as Millic is* >_>)
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Oh, okay Mamie... ;_; *removes the hat and puts it on the coat rack*
Danie Blight: (Really? Well then! For teh Sam!!!! *scuffles off to collect clothes*)
LAC768: Mamie: Aw...*feels guilty*
LAC768: Mamie: I'll tell ya what--you can wear it on "casual Fridays", kay?
Sam Aoshi: Hix: REALLY? *eyes sparkle*
Danie Blight: Reinbach: Mamie? Has Hix been a good cleaner? :D
LAC768: Mamie: Excellent, Mister Reinbach. *nods*
LAC768: Mamie: *nods at Hix*
Danie Blight: Reinbach: Well....That deserves something special. Doesn't it Hix?
Sam Aoshi: Hix: :D :D :D :D :D *bounces*
LAC768: Mamie: *feels mean for being a spoil-sport* ^_^;;
Danie Blight: Reinbach: Hix, come here a moment please :D :D
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *waddles over*
LAC768: (XD)
Sam Aoshi: ((I'm going to have to go in a minute. T__T))
LAC768: (Aw~)
Danie Blight: (Nyyuuu!)
Danie Blight: Reinbach: *hands him a MASSIVE pink box* Here :D
LAC768: Mamie: Oh god no..... o_O
Danie Blight: Reinbach: *beams*
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Why all the presents? :D *opens it up*
Danie Blight: Reinbach: Because you have been good :D
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *pulls out...*
LAC768: (....*anticipation*....)
Sam Aoshi: ((Okay, I should run now. T_T I'll be back within an hour or two though! :D))
LAC768: (Aw~~~)
Sam Aoshi: ((I'll try not to be long. XD))
LAC768: (That's okay. We understand. :D)
Sam Aoshi has left the room.
Danie Blight: Lisa, Sam wants to finish this later
LAC768: That's fine.
Danie Blight: Will you be on in a few hours?
LAC768: Most likely.
LAC768: It's not like I have a job yet. ;__;
Danie Blight: Well, I need to go and see HV before she kills me
LAC768: But for the meantime, what should I do with it?
LAC768: Ah, okay. :D
Danie Blight: Im gonna save it
Danie Blight: She asked me to
LAC768: Do you know how to save it with colors?
Danie Blight: And we can do this in about 3 hours?
LAC768: I tried and it's in b&w.
LAC768: *nodnod*
Danie Blight: Nope
LAC768: ^____^
LAC768: Aw, oh well.
Danie Blight: But, I'll save it anyway
LAC768: See you then!
Danie Blight: See you in 3 hours then! I can't wait! <3
LAC768: Yay! :D
LAC768: Mamie: *pouting over the loss of a perfectly good frying pan*
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *still flailing over the Reinbach costume*
LAC768: Mamie: ¬¬;;
Sam Aoshi: Hix: I'm so pretty! :D
LAC768: Mamie: ...Mister Hix...uh... If you wear that too much it might wear out...
Danie Blight: (*pops up from nowhere* Heya dudes :D D:)
LAC768: (heya dude...ette?)
Danie Blight: (Yea XDXD)
LAC768: (Is Flik still at the café too?)
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *flaps his arms* But its so cool!
Danie Blight: (Dunno, do you want him therE? XD)
LAC768: (DER, of course. We wuv him. <3)
Sam Aoshi: ((I agree! :D))
Danie Blight: Reinbach: So, you like the clothes?
Danie Blight: (Yay :D KK)
LAC768: Mamie: *slowly and patiently* Mister Hix, you wouldn't be as pretty in a ruined hat, now would you?
Sam Aoshi: Hix: I love them! But... I should take them off and get back into my uniform. I don't want Mamie more mad at me. XD
Danie Blight: Flik: *is still sitting in a random seat* Wow Hix... You look... Colourful ^_^
LAC768: Mamie: ~_~ I'm not mad at you...
LAC768: (Haha, nice way to put it, Flik.)
Danie Blight: (Flik: Thanks :D)
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Yes but your not please either! :D;
LAC768: Mamie:, but can you blame me?
Danie Blight: Reinbach: Oh Mamie :D Give him a break ^_^
LAC768: Mamie: This is his break.
Danie Blight: Reinbach: ¬¬;
LAC768: Mamie: What? He's got ten more minutes.
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *flaps his arms*
LAC768: Random NPC: *revives and gives Hix a weird look*
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *stares at the random NPC!* HIIIIIIIIII!
LAC768: Random NPC: Heh heh....hi? *weak wave*
Sam Aoshi: Hi: you go away now! You'll tell Tengaar! T_T
LAC768: Random NPC: *gulps in fear and skitters away*
Danie Blight: (*laughs*)
LAC768: Mamie: *looks around* Where'd Mister Percival go?
Sam Aoshi: Hix: He ran away to do something! :O *spins*
LAC768: Mamie: ~_~ *sighs*
LAC768: (*imagines the giant Reinbach-esque feather bobbing everywhere on top of Hix's new hat*)
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *bops and glomps Mamie for some reason*then he runs over and glomps Reinbach*
LAC768: Mamie: o___o;;
Danie Blight: Reinbach: *is glomped*glomps back* ^__^ Having fun Hix?
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Yes yes yes! :D
Danie Blight: Flik: *smiling*
LAC768: Mamie: *pretends not to notice and goes back to cleaning the countertops*
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Okay going to change now! :D;
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *he rushes to the bathroom to change*
Danie Blight: Reinbach: *shouts behinfd him* Fold it properly~~!!
LAC768: Mamie: ~____~;;
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *does so, he comes back out in his uniform*he takes the box and puts it beside his lunch bag... a lunch he packed himself... :D*
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Oh! I forgot to eat! :O
LAC768: Mamie: *tsks* That's no good.
Danie Blight: Reinbach: ¬¬
Danie Blight: Flik: *laughs* Still as forgetful Hix? :D
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *he grabs his lunch and sits on the ground and pulls out the sandwich he made himself*
LAC768: Mamie: *nicely* What kind of sandwich did you pack, Mister Hix?
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Tuna! :D
Danie Blight: (I bet it was 2 pieces of bread, with a slice of ham or something XD)
LAC768: (XD;; )
Danie Blight: (Oh XD Nearly)
LAC768: (A BREAD sandwich!)
Sam Aoshi: ((*notes that the mun hates tuna.. XDDD*))
Danie Blight: (*mun hates tea*)
LAC768: (*mun hates asparagus*)
Danie Blight: (Mayo! XD)
LAC768: (XDDD)
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *he munches quickly*
LAC768: Mamie: Uh....Mister Hix? ¬¬
Danie Blight: Reinbach: !!!!! You'll get indigestion!!!!!
Danie Blight: Reinbach: *flails*
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *munches a bit slower*
Danie Blight: Reinbach: Thats better ^.^
LAC768: Mamie: If you barf all over the floor, you can clean it up, Mister Hix. ¬¬
Danie Blight: Percy: *returns with the goods* Hey guys :D *smiles to all*
LAC768: (ooh, this means that Cecile has to be there, since he told her not to leave.)
Danie Blight: Percy: *looks around* Cecile!!!!!!!! >_<
Sam Aoshi: ((*waiting for the right cue. XD*))
LAC768: Cecile: *still sitting at the bench, not eating the cookie* o_o
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *goes back to dish washing*
LAC768: Mamie: *shrugs and begins to shine her spatula*
Sam Aoshi: Albert: *dramatically walks in behind Percival*
Danie Blight: Percy: Alberts here!! :D :D
LAC768: Mamie: *has her back turned*
Danie Blight: Percy: Mamie!!! *prods*
LAC768: Mamie: *dismissal wave* Uh huh, very funny, Mister Percival. *continues shining her spatula*
Danie Blight: PErcy: ¬_¬;; *prods again* I brought someone else :D :D
LAC768: Mamie: Oh? Paying customers? :D
Sam Aoshi: Albert: *looking away and admiring the cafe*
Danie Blight: Percy: *nods*
LAC768: Mamie: Well, why didn't you say so? *sets down her cleaning cloth and turns to face him* Who?
Danie Blight: Percy: *moves out of the way and points* :D
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *still dish washing*
LAC768: Mamie: ~_______~ Albert....
Sam Aoshi: ((I love you both. :D))
LAC768: (Hee hee.)
Danie Blight: (Yay! *glomp*)
Sam Aoshi: Albert: *he looks over and lifts his head, smirking* Mamie, so we meet again.
LAC768: Mamie: *twitches* Are you the paying customer Mister Percival was tellin' me about?
Danie Blight: Reinbach: Albert!!! Hello :D How are you?
Sam Aoshi: Albert: I am, actually.
Danie Blight: Flik: *is just sitting on a chair*
Sam Aoshi: Albert: *he stares over at Reinbach* Good afternoon.
LAC768: Mamie: *face faults, but quickly regains composure* ...What would you like to order? >_>
Danie Blight: Reinbach: How are you Master Albert :D
Sam Aoshi: Albert: Well, Reinbach, actually. *smirking he walks over to Mamie's counter and leans on it grinning* ....what should I be ordering?
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *pops his head out and walks over to Reinbach*points to Albert* Why is he here? T_T
LAC768: Mamie: *glares back* Whatever your hungry little stomach desires.
Danie Blight: Reinbach: Because Lord Percival brough him I think! Why? Does that bother you?
LAC768: Mamie: *casts Hix a 'don't tick off the paying customer, even though I'd let you anyways' look*
Sam Aoshi: Albert: *smirks* Darling, I'm just here for a visit.
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *whispers to Percival* Why did you bring him here? T_T
LAC768: Mamie: *leans over the countertop and smirks* Don't call me 'darling' if you expect to get fed, Albert.
Danie Blight: Percy: Albert is <3 XD *whisper whisper* We are trying to get him into a dress >:D
LAC768: (XD I forgot about that.)
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Oh, OHHHHH.
Danie Blight: Percy: *winks*
Sam Aoshi: Albert: So, what's the house special, doll? *grinning*
Danie Blight: (*cant stop laughing*)
Danie Blight: Reinbach: Tuna sandwiches XD
Sam Aoshi: Hix: No taht was my lunch! :O
LAC768: Mamie: *flicks her spatula threateningly* No, you heard him right.
Danie Blight: Reinbach: *smiles* No Hix, thats all she has made today ^+^
LAC768: (niiice face, Reinbach.)
Danie Blight: (Reinbach: Thank you dear :D)
LAC768: (~_~; )
LAC768: Mamie: *turns away from Albert and begins to slice up some fresh bread*
Danie Blight: Percy: Albert? You like tuna? XD
Sam Aoshi: Albert: *smirks* I don't midn it.
Sam Aoshi: *mind
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Eeeeeek! Spatula! T_T
LAC768: Mamie: >_>?
LAC768: Mamie: *unceremoniously slathers tuna paste over the bread and searches for mayo*
Danie Blight: (dun...dun...DUN!! MAYO!)
LAC768: (XD!!)
Sam Aoshi: Albert: Tuna's good for the body. I'm rather dissappointed though in such a special for the day. I was expecting a little more than a mere sandwich.
LAC768: Mamie: Oh, really now? >_> I'm not exactly in the mood to be cookin' anything fancy, if that's what you're lookin' for.
Danie Blight: Percy: The sandwiches are good though Albert ^_^
LAC768: Random NPC: *runs over and quickly gives a thumbs up, then skitters away from Hix in fear*
Danie Blight: Reinbach: *sticks out his foot and stips the person up* >:D
LAC768: Random NPC: *falls on his face and cries mute tears of pain*
Danie Blight: Flik: *flails and runs over the the person* Are you alright?! *helps them up*
LAC768: Random NPC: *does strange threatening hand gestures at Reinbach, since he's a mute NPC*
Danie Blight: Reinbach: O_O Oh my...How rude *huffs*
Danie Blight: Flik: Oo;
LAC768: Random NPC: *runs away still crying emo mute tears* ;___;
Sam Aoshi: Albert: I would have expected better from you, really Mamie.
Sam Aoshi: ((*dies* Emo mute tears? XD))
LAC768: Mamie: Look, Albert. * leans over the counter, in his face and irked* I'm not in a very good mood today, no thanks to Mister Juan.
Danie Blight: (I know XD)
LAC768: Mamie: Continue to piss me off an' you won't be either after eatin' my food.
LAC768: (He's a sad little mute NPC.)
Sam Aoshi: Albert: And I'm in a wonderful mood. *grinning* So, you want to pass me the best?
LAC768: Mamie: *glares at him and finishes preparing his sandwich* Want some soup on the side? >_>
LAC768: (Oooh, Albert's ticking her off soooo much. XD)
Sam Aoshi: Albert: *smirking* only if you plan on poisoning it.
Danie Blight: Percy: *is watching, content*
LAC768: Mamie: *seemingly more annoyed by that remark* 'ingredients' are too good to waste on you, Albert.
LAC768: Mamie: I think you'll have to settle with ordinary tomato soup.
Danie Blight: (*has posted the Salome thing on her journal*)
LAC768: (I already did that on his journal. XD)
Sam Aoshi: Albert:T omato soup, huh? Might as well pass some over.
LAC768: Mamie: *pushes him a bowl, careful not to slop any over the countertops she just cleaned*
Danie Blight: (Go on ALbert, pour it on the counter XDXDXD)
LAC768: (XD;; !!)
Sam Aoshi: Albert: *he tastes a bit of the soup* ......o.o what the hell did you put in this?
LAC768: Mamie: Tomato, genius. >_>
Danie Blight: (*laughs so hard*)
Danie Blight: Percy: *snickers*
LAC768: (Oh, crap, is that the leftover laxative-laced soup for Millich? oO)
Sam Aoshi: Albert: Well why is there a hint of mayo in it? >_>
Danie Blight: (Hahhaaa)
LAC768: Mamie: *exhasperated sigh, as though she's told hundreds of people the same thing repeatedly* It's a primary staple ingredient.
Sam Aoshi: Albert: ....ever tried mixing the tomato paste with some pasta? It'd probably taste better.
Danie Blight: Flik: Hix? Come sit :D
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *goes and sits infront of Flik*flailing*
LAC768: (according to game faq, adding the tomato soup recipee and mayo = tomoato salad. oO)
Danie Blight: Flik: Whats wrong? Oo
LAC768: Mamie: I've done that before--actually, it goes quite nice with vinegar too. *forgets she's talking with Albert and sounds congenial*
Sam Aoshi: Albert: You can't put too much in though.
LAC768: (hey, I have to leave the room for a moment to switch computers. Can someone send me another invite in a bit?)
Danie Blight: (sure)
LAC768: (^_^)
LAC768 has left the room.
Danie Blight: (*has dissapeared into the void*)
Sam Aoshi: ((*prods Danie in the void*))
Danie Blight: (*is prodded in the void* Hey Sam! Its nice in here :D)
Sam Aoshi: ((Its warm here in the void. <3))
Danie Blight: (Yuppers :D *nodnod* Having fun out there?)
Sam Aoshi: ((Smells like chicken. XD))
Danie Blight: (O_o;;; Chicken huh...Bleh I wish I could get out but im stuck T_T Emo...)
LAC768 has entered the room.
Sam Aoshi: ((Emo is bad!))
LAC768: (Thanks.)
Sam Aoshi: ((Welcome back Lisa! :D))
Danie Blight: (I know!! *is all emo*)
LAC768: (I had to restart the old computer. x_x)
Danie Blight: (Welcomes :D)
LAC768: (did I miss anything?)
Danie Blight: (Nope)
LAC768: (*forgets what happened*)
Danie Blight: (LAC768: Mamie: I've done that before--actually, it goes quite nice with vinegar too. *forgets she's talking with Albert and sounds congenial*)
Danie Blight: (Sam Aoshi: Albert: You can't put too much in though.))
Sam Aoshi: ((Albert and mamie were talking about pasta with tomato soup. :D))
Danie Blight: (That was it)
LAC768: (Ah, I see. Thanks.)
LAC768: Mamie: Evidentally--you don't want to drown out the pasta in sauce.
LAC768: Mamie: But if you add too little there isn't enough flavor.
Sam Aoshi: Albert: *smirking* ...vinigar isn't important though. You just need to make sure you have enough tomato paste. If you drownt he noodles, they become oilly, its quite gross.
Sam Aoshi: Albert: *grins* Still up for my challenge I put out a million years ago?
LAC768: Mamie: Oh, that's a given--although if you have a good balance between the two, it's usally best to add--*breaks off in the middle*
LAC768: Mamie: Refresh my memory--I haven't been around long enough to keep track. *stares back at him icily*
Danie Blight: (*shivers*)
LAC768: (Random NPC: *continues crying emo tears of fright*)
Danie Blight: (*Is stuck in the void*)
LAC768: (*yanks Percy and Flik out to watch*)
Sam Aoshi: Hix: *slams his fists into the table* WEAR A DRESS ALBERT.
Sam Aoshi: Albert: *looks over at Hix* Quite, you.
LAC768: Mamie: *startled* o__o
Danie Blight: Percy: *burst out laughing*
Sam Aoshi: Albert: *grins* I challenged you awhile ago, but you never accepted, not sure why of course.
Danie Blight: Flik: *to Hix* Do you know him Hix?
LAC768: Mamie: Why I never accepted, Albert, was because I had over 108 mouths to feed. I didn't have time for friendly competition.
Sam Aoshi: Hix: I DO! >_>
LAC768: Mamie: -_-;;
Danie Blight: Flik: *whisper whisper* And he is?
Sam Aoshi: Albert: 108 mouths to feed is a cop out. If you were doing that this place would be completely busy and backlogged.
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Albert Silverberg! ._.
Danie Blight: Flik: S-silverberg....
LAC768: Mamie: Hey, you're a strategist, you do the math. According to my contract, I had to have a dinner prepared to feed everyone at a specific time--it was included in their fee.
LAC768: Mamie: In between feeding people at breakfast and lunch, and cooking something large enough to feed everyone at dinner, I didn't have enough time to do anythin' fun.
Sam Aoshi: Albert: Well in any case, now your not busy.
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Yes, Silverberg. >_> He's lame.
LAC768: Mamie: Yes, I'm not. But I'm pissed off at Mister Juan right now, so I'm not in the mood to cook with you.
Danie Blight: Flik: He...But...What if...*sighs*
LAC768: (Haha, Flik doesn't think 'lame' and 'Silverberg' should be used in the same sentence. XD)
Danie Blight: (He certainly does not)
Sam Aoshi: Albert: I wouldn't say to do it now, obiviously. -_-
Sam Aoshi: Hix: What if what if? O_O
LAC768: Mamie: *flicks him off the side of the head with her spatula* Good, because I'd hafta decline, Mister Albert.
Danie Blight: Flik: He...Might have known...O...Odessa...
LAC768: (Flik: *stares off in space dreamily*)
LAC768: (XD;; )
Danie Blight: (Yuppers XDXD)
Sam Aoshi: Albert: Your the one who was persuing the rumors about me, darling. *smirking*
Sam Aoshi: Hix: ....maybe, I don't know. O_O
LAC768: Mamie: *twitches* I don't pass rumors. That seems to be someone else's hobby around here. I only tell the truth to those interested.
Danie Blight: Flik: I..I'll have to ask him when hes not...busy *stares into space*
Danie Blight: (>:D)
LAC768: (XD!!)
Sam Aoshi: Albert: Excuse me but, your the one who's been saying my cooking is crap. Funny thign is, I don't think I've ever seen you try my cooking. *grinning*
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Don't ask him! Ask someone else! T_T
LAC768: Mamie: *makes a face, knowing she's being pwned*
Danie Blight: Flik: *comes back to earth* But...He might have known her.. And I would like to know. I must ask him, nobody else.
Danie Blight: Percy: I know that you make salads Albert XD
Sam Aoshi: Albert: *stares over at Percival* Salads are something anyone can make. *he looks back at mamie* So, can I ask what posessed you to say such things? *smirks* Or have I caught you?
LAC768: Mamie: *regains her nerve* Look here, Albert. *leans over the counter and angrily sticks her face up close* You whittle your time away cookin' in an Easy Bake Oven.
LAC768: Mamie: There's only room for one chef here, an' that title's already taken.
Danie Blight: (*laughs*)
Danie Blight: Reinbach: *floats around* :D
LAC768: (*tumbleweed blows by*)
Sam Aoshi: Albert: Easy Bake Oven huh?
Danie Blight: Flik: Anyway... Anything fun to do around here Hix...? *is trying to take himself away from the thoughts of Odessa*
Sam Aoshi: Albert: I love how everyone assumes that.
Sam Aoshi: Hix: GO DRINKING! :D
Danie Blight: Percy: OH yea! I seen one of them in your room Albert! *snicker*
LAC768 has left the room.
Danie Blight: (O_O)
Sam Aoshi: Albert: My easy bake oven was for evening purposes only. I used it so I wouldn't have to leave my room if I was working late. It was a useful nough tool.
Sam Aoshi: *enough
Danie Blight: Percy: Yea :D Cool *smiles* Having fun?
LAC768 has entered the room.
LAC768: (*pokes* Did it work?)
Danie Blight: (Welcomes back)
LAC768: (AIM died in the middle)
LAC768: (did I miss anything?)
Danie Blight: Flik: Are you allowed to drink Hix? ^^;
Danie Blight: (Nope)
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Nope!
Sam Aoshi: ((Albert basically explained Easy Bake oven. XD))
Danie Blight: Flik: O_o;; Then how can you go drinking?
LAC768: (can you paste it? I missed it.)
Danie Blight: ( Albert: My easy bake oven was for evening purposes only. I used it so I wouldn't have to leave my room if I was working late. It was a useful nough tool.)
Sam Aoshi: Hix: I do it behind her back! :D;
LAC768: Mamie: *glares at him, her spatula inches away from his face, trying to figure out what to say next*
Danie Blight: Flik: Is that wise?
Sam Aoshi: Albert: *he blows a kiss* Any ways, Mamie dear, please do take me up on my offer sometime. *he finishes his meal and pays for it*
Sam Aoshi: HIx: Sure it is! Its fine!
LAC768: Mamie: Wha--?!! Will you stop that behavior?!
Danie Blight: Flik: Uh...
Danie Blight: Percy: *smirks at Albert*
LAC768: Mamie: *jabs her spatula in his direction* Just you wait an' see, Albert. You'll get your cook-off!
Sam Aoshi: Albert: Any ways, I need to go back and finish my work. I hope you take me up on that offer. *he waves to Percival and leaves smirking*
Sam Aoshi: ((*dies at mamie. XDDD))
Danie Blight: Percy: See you later Albert! Have a drink with me sometime!
LAC768: Mamie: *fuming* !!! Rrrggg....
Danie Blight: Reinbach: Breathe dear :D *smiles*
LAC768: Mamie: *shoots him a venomous glare*
Danie Blight: Reinbach: *hurt to the bone* Oh...
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Its okay Mamie! T_T We shall win!
LAC768: Mamie: *feels slightly better at making Reinbach upset* Hmph. *counts the money Albert left behind*
LAC768: Mamie: You bet your butt we will, Mister Hix--er, I will. You just concentrate on your twisted 'get-Albert-in-a-dress' mission. >_>
Danie Blight: Percy: *pouts* He left...
Sam Aoshi: Hix: YAY! OKAY! :D
Sam Aoshi: ((And with that, I gotta go to work now. XD))
Danie Blight: Percy: *grins* I can help with that if you want!
Sam Aoshi: Hix: Please do! >D
And Sam had to go to work. :D