Yep, you read that right - the entire 12th, all together, for drinks at the tavern! *is still squeeishly happy about this*
Aila: *looks around carefully to see if the usual cast of suspects - this being the rest of the 12th - happen to be at their usual table*
Geddoe: *is not there yet...*
Ace: *munches on beer nuts at one particular table in the corner, paperwork splayed in front of him*
Joker: *leans back in his chair and looks at the ceiling*
Aila: *finally catches sight of Ace in the corner and wanders over* Hey, guys. *looks at the paperwork* Do I even [want] to know?
Ace: Hey, kiddo. *waves halfheartedly at her* Er, and probably not. Unless you like number-crunching.
Jacques: *visibly shudders at the thought*
Joker: Don't tell me we're not getting paid....again? *grumbles*
Aila: Oh, my...*remembers the last time they didn't get paid*
Queen: *had left the twins with Cray for a few hours to go to the tavern for a bite to eat when she spots Aila and Ace, heading straight to her with a smirk* Hey. It's been awhile.
Geddoe: *comes in late, clearly in a rush, or a mood, or both, and stops at the bar first to order*
Queen: *had left the twins with Cray for a few hours to go to the tavern for a bite to eat when she spots everyone at the table, heading straight to them with a smirk* Hey. It's been awhile.
Ace: *takes Queen's appearance as a sign, practically flailing in greeting* Queen! This is an event, isn't it? Or a holiday? Or ... that time of the-- *shuts himself up*
Aila: Queen! *face lights up like a Christmas Tree* How've you been?
Joker: *grins* Hey, Queen!
Jacques: *nods a silent greeting and smiles at Aila's reaction*
Geddoe: *wanders over to the table with tankard in hand* Well, look at this. This is a sight.
Joker: Looks like were all assembled, Captain.
Queen: *smiles at Aila and Joker* I'm doing all right. I'm taking a small break from the children and Graham was sweet enough to offer to look after them for a few hours. *glares at Ace before turning to greet Geddoe* Isn't it?
Geddoe: *nods and takes a sip before even sitting down*
Aila: *orders herself a rum and coke and looks at the group assembled* It is kinda rare that we're [all] in the same place at the same time...
Joker: *takes a drink from his tankard and nods in agreement with Aila*
Queen: *seats herself next to Geddoe and sighs* This is a first - I'm not even having a single drink
Ace: *hums, stacking his papers for the meantime and sliding his ignored liquor closer* It's a bit like the old days, really.
Geddoe: Considering we've all sort of gone our separate ways. *attention on his drink, mostly* Except myself and Joker, and Ace when he feels like it.
Ace: *snorts* Hey, it's no picnic doing the paperwork. You wanna do it, Captain?
Aila: I dunno - his handwriting's about as bad as yours is. *giggle*
Geddoe: Nope. *casually takes a sip*
Joker: Not like you really do it all that well to begin with. *mutters*
Queen: *smirks* But it's fate that you ended up with it anyways.
Ace: *rolls eyes* Fate is somehow getting all of the paperwork done each year. With all the purchases, jobs, and stuff...
Aila: *looks over at Jacques and nudges him* You wanna tell them?
Jacques: *feels his face grow hot* Umm... y-you sure you don't want to do it?
Joker: *raises an eyebrow a bit*
Aila: Well, it's [both] of us but if you want me to do it, I will.
Geddoe: *lifts his nose out of his tankard*
Queen: *turns her attention away from Ace to Aila and Jacques* Tell us what? *blinks a moment before a wide grin appears* Oh~
Jacques: We... we're getting married
Aila: *insert big face-eating grin here*
Ace: *simply gapes at them for a long moment*
Geddoe: *stares in silence*
Jacques: *nervously waits for them to react with something other than utter shock*
Queen: *claps happily* I knew it! And it's about time, you silly kids.
Joker: Hahaha! I figured one day!
Geddoe: ....why am I always the last one to know these things?
Ace: You're not. *chews on his lip* ...You two do realize I have to do paperwork for you two now, right?
Aila: Actually, you guys are the first to know. We've not told anyone else, so..
Joker: Poor, Ace...more work for him. *chuckles* I'm happy for you two.
Geddoe: *nudges Joker and whispers* Did you know they were...?
Queen: Well, things were pretty clear when Jacques unofficially invited Aila to join the team without permission. *glares at Ace again* Stop complaining. It's not that big of a deal compared to them getting married.
Joker: *looks at him* You missed the eyes they used to give each other? *slaps Geddoe on the shoulder*
Aila: You [noticed] that? *blushes*
Jacques: *blushes*
Geddoe: *grumbles* I thought they were just...close friends. *mutters into his drink*
Joker: *grins and give Geddoe another slap on the shoulder*
Queen: *smirks at Geddoe* You're so clueless, sometimes. It was as obvious as day.
Ace: *sighs loudly to himself* I should've known something was fishy with Jacques and the compliments... They were all run-of-the-mill and she's swooning.
Aila: *grabs hold of Jacques' hand under the table and holds it*
Geddoe: Yes...well... *nods toward Aila and Jacques* Congratulations.
Joker: *rolls his eyes* Jealous there Ace?
Aila: I was [not] swooning...whatever that is! *makes a face at Ace*
Ace: *to Aila* You were! Completely! *and to Joker* Why would I be? I dated a ninja.
Jacques: *quietly* ... and they were not run of the mill...
Joker: *snorts*
Geddoe: *looks suddenly at Ace* You what a what?
Queen: I'm so happy for you two. *rests her elbows on the table and folds her hands together as a rest for her chin, letting out a little sigh* I still remember when Graham proposed to me ...
Joker: *takes a drink of his ale and smirks a bit watching them all*
Aila: *to Queen* I remember the wedding! And speaking of which, whenever we have this, I'd like for you to be my...oh, what was it...matron of honor? I think that's it...*hopes that's the right term for what she's thinking*
Ace: *freezes and looks over at Geddoe* Eh heh-- er, it was a while ago. She was the best. *mutters* A hundred times better than Elaine...
Geddoe: *snorts into his drink*
Queen: I would be honored, Aila. *smiles warmly before turning to Ace* I agree. Kate and I got along very well.
Joker: And with the dawn she slipped out of your arms and back into your dreams. *to Ace*
Ace: Which is saying something, because you're always telling women how horrible I am! *seems very proud of this, for some reason ... and then he glares at Joker*
Jacques: *stifles a laugh*
Aila: *snerks*
Joker: You need to work on that glare, Ace.
Geddoe: Ah...just like old times, indeed.
Queen: Heh, I warned Kate but she seemed like she was quite capable of taking care of both herself and you.
Ace: She liked to drink too, which was the real kicker. *smirks, but does try to kick Joker under the table*
Joker: So you had to get her drunk before she'd sleep with you huh? *avoids the kick*
Ace: ...Hell no! ...But there was cake involved!
Queen: *laughs at Joker then smirks when she remembers something* I recall the time when she switched bodies with Jeremy. How was that like, being kissed by another man? *
Geddoe: *eyebrow*
Ace: ............
Aila: You know, I'm [so] glad I ducked the body switching thing...*cringes*
Joker: *smirks* That must have been interesting for you.
Ace: *twitches* I had just forgotten that little bit. Thanks, Queen.
Geddoe: ...maybe I should be glad I missed out on the last four-five years.
Jacques: *nods in agreement with Aila*
Joker: Might have been fun to see Ace kissing a guy though.
Aila: To hear it told, I don't think it was that fun for [anyone]. *blinks*
Queen: *frowns* It really wasn't. I was so afraid that Victor would have abused by poor, pregnant body while he was in it.
Joker: *takes another long drink*
Geddoe: *follows Joker's example*
Queen: Oh yeah, I suppose you two haven't had the pleasure of experiencing the weird shit that happens around here from time to time.
Geddoe: *grumbling* Believe me, I'm having quite enough of the current situation. I don't need anything weird on top of it.
Aila: *takes a long slow sip of her drink and puts it down* I hear that.
Joker: *nods*
Ace: *reluctantly nods*
Geddoe: Speaking of which...not that I want to ruin your happy moment, Aila, Jacques...
Geddoe: *looks around the table* If something were to go down, can I count on my team to be behind me the whole way?
Jacques: *promptly nods, not having to even contemplate it*
Joker: Of course.
Ace: You don't even have to ask, Captain.
Aila: *nods* I just want to find out who's doing it and stop them. And no worries, Captain - it had to come up sooner or later anyway. *slight smile*
Queen: Definitely. *frowns* I'm sure I can still use my sword pretty well even if I have been out of practice.
Geddoe: Good. Then that's all the more I have to say about it. Just keep your eyes out. *signals across the tavern to the bartender* I believe an announcement like this calls for a round on me.
Ace: Hah, like the lovebirds are gonna get buzzed at all. *snickers, already moving off of the serious subject*
Joker: *grins* And after that round I say the next round is on...Ace. *smirks*
Aila: Here here! *nods, agreeing*
Jacques: *As always, has just ordered a glass of orange juice*
Geddoe: *gets a refill already even though he's not halfway done*
Queen: Jacques, let me get you another juice. *heads over to the bar and orders him a glass of Sex on the Beach and brings it back, setting it in front of him*
Jacques: *sniffs the drink warily but looks at the loving smile on Queen's face and shrugs, taking a drink*
Aila: *finishes her first rum and coke and nods to the waitperson as they bring the second one*
Ace: *drinks heartily, too focused on enjoying himself to mind Joker's suggestion*
Joker: *finishes off his glass and orders another*
Queen: *grins to herself, marking off another victory in her head* For once, I'm going to be completely sober so I can make fun of all of you.
Geddoe: *eyes Queen sideways, on his not-blind side* I don't know what you're talking about.
Joker: I think other people will get drunk before some of us will. *whispered on his breath*
Jacques: *looks down at his empty glass of 'orange juice'*
Ace: I think Queen needs to pay until everyone's drunk, if she's so determined to be sober!
Aila: I'd like to think that we Karayans are reasonably good at holding our drinks. *feels the buzz approaching*
Geddoe: Queen can't afford to get me drunk.
Ace: *orders another tankard* Well, she can at least get me drunk.
Queen: Geddoe's right. And Ace, I can't drink while I'm still nursing. And I'm not buying all your drinks.
Geddoe: *stacks the potch for his congratulatory round on the table as if to say that he's done his part and retreats back to his tankard*
Aila: *to Queen, conspiratorially* I think Jacques is out of 'juice'.
Joker: *smirks and drinks down his glass*
Jacques: *smiles geekily around the table*
Queen: *nods at Aila with a smirk* All right. *turns to Jacques* I'll go get you another one. *heads back to the bar and returns with another*
Joker: *this was going to be interesting*
Ace: *loudly* Maybe I should just leave so you guys have to pay the tab yourselves.
Geddoe: *waves a hand* Night, Ace.
Queen: *raises an eyebrow at Ace* Whatever.
Aila: *waves to Ace*
Joker: *arches a brow but nods to ace*
Ace: *snickers, mostly to himself, but does indeed leave potch for his round before heading off, papers in hand*
Jacques: *is surprised at how thirsty he is and surprised and how great the orange juice tastes, he downs the fresh glass Queen brought for him. Is soon leaning his head on Aila's shoulder, out cold.*
Geddoe: ....well, would you look at that.
Aila: *notices Jacques leaning on her shoulder and she giggles, the buzz finally gone to her head as well*
Joker: *chuckles* Like we didn't see that coming.
Geddoe: True.
Queen: Damn, everyone's a lightweight. *shakes her head, still smirking*
Aila: I'm not a lightweight, I've...just not eaten much all day. Yeah, that's it!
Geddoe: At least you're not missing out on anything. *lifts his tankard in a toast to Queen and goes back to drinking steadily*
Joker: Lightweight.
Aila: *teasing grin* Old man!
Queen: Well, I better be going myself. I shouldn't leave Graham alone with the kids for too long. *stands up and pushes back her chair* He'll go crazy. *smirks*
Geddoe: Ah. Good night, then, Queen.
Joker: *sticks his tongue out at Aila and looks to Queen* Don't want to keep him waiting too long.
Aila: I guess I'm going to try to get Jacques to his room, if either one of you...*pauses*...would care to help?
Queen: Nope. Good night, guys. I really missed this - and all of you. I'm glad we're together again. *smiles and heads out of the tavern*
Joker: I can help if you want me to. *waves to Queen as she leave*
Geddoe: *finishes off his drink first* I will. I'm heading in that direction anyway.
Aila: Thanks. You guys are...the best. *nods*
Joker: *smiles* Let's get him up to bed...
Geddoe: You get the right, I'll get the left. *stands up*
Joker: *grabbs Jacques right side and waits*
Geddoe: *shoulders Jacques on the other side* That should teach you, kid. Don't let Queen buy your drinks.
Aila: *leaves a tip on the table and tags along with them, smiling the whole time*