The deadline to reply to the idle email about the fate of characters that are MIA is Friday! The following characters still have not been accounted for. If you know their muns, please give them the heads up and ask them to email me. MIA characters have three choices:
1. Reactive the character and post in the RPG
2. Release the character for adoption
3. Take a hiatus of up to two months
If I do not hear from them by Friday, I will put the character up for adoption.
Suikoden I
Humphrey -
swordofsilence by
jeanemonNeclord -
neclordtehgreat by
dragonknight337Sydonia -
vanishingbandit by
hawksaberTed -
rune_archer by
ruviela Suikoden II
Jowy Atreides-Blight -
la_carotte by
empress_nothingKlaus -
klaus_windamier by
erishonLilly Pendragon -
lilly_pendragon by
dragonknight337Pico -
rico_picoSierra Mikain -
sierramikain by
long_red_block Suikoden III
Barts -
veggieman_barts by
quatrinaFred -
fred_captain by
jaki_ryuujinHortez VII -
hortez_vii by
quatrinaJacques -
black_jacquesMel -
speaksfrombelly by
long_red_blockSgt. Joe -
sgt_joe by
kushidango Shizu -
operator_shizu by
kushidango Suikoden IV/Tactics
Heinz -
heinz_notzHelmut -
kooluk_whiskey by
middletailsKika -
rouge_rogue by
quatrinaReinbach III -
_reinbach_iii by
danie_blightTrishtan -
trishtanlovesyu by