Remember those goofy SuikoRPG questionaries? Well, it's baaaaaaaaaack!
Also, I had a number of people express interest in co-modding. At this point, I'm not sure how I am going to go about selecting someone. Perhaps an "application" of sorts would be the fairest way to decide. I welcome thoughts on this in comments.
1) Who do you think is the cutest character?
2) Who is the sluttiest character?
3) Who is the biggest homewrecker?
4) Who would you like sleep with?
5) What pairings do you like that have been presented within the RPG?
6) What future pairings would you like to see?
7) What characters would you like to see be adopted in the future?
8) Which character needs a smack in the head?
9) Favourite female character (aside from your own character(s) you play)
10) Favourite male character (see above)
11) Dumbest character, but love.
12) Favourite memory of previous RP plots.
13) What character would you likely marry?
14) Most hilarious moment in the RP.
15) Character you love (doesn't have to be a character taken within the RP) who other people seem to really hate.
16) A character you normally HATE in the video games but love in the RP.
17) Have a theme song for your characters? :D
18) Anything you want me to change within the RP? Or anything you want me to add?
19) Best character to get drunk.
20) Favourite character overall in the RP (who CANNOT be one of your own).