Dec 14, 2006 20:05
I am stupid! There's no doubt about it. I am the leader of the microcephalic. I am the top moron, the emperor of dumbness. In other words I used Microsoft media player.
I mean, it kind of did its job--it played my CDs and DVDs. But that wasn't enough for me! When the media player announced that there was an upgrade ready to be installed, I jumped on it like a three-legged wardrobe. Slick new UI, oh my, I can't resist it!
And then, ha ha, I wanted to play a DVD. A DVD for which I paid actual money (stupid me!). It turned out that, unbeknownst to me, the new media player installed DRM (Digital Rights Management). Mind you, I am not a pirate, I haven't even ripped my DVD. I bought it, I put it in my DVD drive, and I wanted to play it. I shouldn't care whether DRM was installed on my computer or not, right? Right?!
Guess what, the new media player refused to play my DVD. It hijacked my computer and demanded a ransom. I am not kidding you! It told me that if I want to play my precious Fellowship of the Ring I had to pay twenty bucks. Did I mention that I'm not kidding you? Microsoft decreed that, if I wanted to watch my DVDs, I had to buy a third party decoder. It even informed me, in case I was a cheap bastard, that there are NO FREE DECODERS!
I hear there is this other operating system, Linux or some such, that DOESN'T HIJACK YOUR COMPUTER AND THEN ASK FOR RANSOM! I think I'm gonna give it a try.