(no subject)

Apr 23, 2007 21:06

It's definitely interesting, feeling the urge to complain about having a cat in bed with me, but I honestly can't feel any bad feelings other then passing annoyance with her.  This morning, around 4am, I awoke (an hour before I normally get up) because something just felt wrong, then I realized that there was a big lump of breathing fur taking up the top half of my pillow.  :D  She also loves to get on the computer desk in front of me and play with the text, cursor, etc.  Becky says she gets her to sleep on the desk somehow, but I just can't pull it off.

This last weekend we had a lot to look forward to and do, Friday night we went to the pool hall with my parents and my aunt (who recently has been dealing with breast cancer) so it was very good to see her and we had a great time.  Saturday our friends from California Ben and Megan were in town so there was quite a party for that, but ALSO Saturday afternoon I went to a driving range for the first time, so I'm started on the road to golfing?  Then as a contrast we went mini-golfing on sunday, i managed to get two hole-in-ones but sucked it the rest of the time.

Spiderman 3 in two weeks!

I'd like to suggest, for my friends who aren't aware, that my friend Steve who is a cook/chef/food-guy started a LJ blog and then moved it to blogger (a good move), and if you have any interest in cooking or food I highly recommend going there and reading up! 
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