Aug 25, 2006 17:48
i conquered an in n' out 4x4 and more yesterday!
the other day chris and i were manning the doors down at the target when a lady approached us, pushing a cart containing one very young and smelly child along with various groceries. Upon reaching our post she told us that her son just had an "accident" and asked us if we would watch her groceries while she ran outside to quickly change his diaper in the car. We agreed and as she unbuckled the little guy chris looked him in the eyes and said "no worries buddy." feeling obligated to add some sort of comfort to the little pant-contaminated boy i riskily blurted "it happens to the best of us," at which time the woman made a very puzzled face and replied, "well, i hope not still." without missing a beat chris came back with "you'd be surprised"
and we caught the cell phone bandit