May 19, 2005 19:32
well..its been a while i guess. so i thought i'd fill ya in (if anyone even reads this lol) on some things.
lately..just been trying to finish everything for school. cant wait for it to be done!..but then again..i dont want this year to end. its been a lot of fun..and im gonna miss my seniors a lot next year. plus my sister's going to college in New York. hah..way too far away for angie. im gonna be an only child next year..and i dont think im gonna like that very much. but i guess we'll see.
then recently i hung out with the old old crew. it was a lot of fun. had some pillow fights, played some halo 2, watched National Treasure, just talked. it was nice.
the drama in my life has gone way way way down..and im loving it. yeah, there are still those occasional dramatic moments..but youre never going to escape those.
boys..what else is there to say. too confusing..and frustrating. hmpf. whatever. lol.
missing my mg friends. (that'll never change)
and of course missing my brother.
got a new digital camera for my birthday! (hasnt happend birthday i mean) its awesome, i love it!
hopefully im redoing/cleaning out my room this summer! *crosses fingers*
its time for a change in there. that sophomore year is almost over..i feel the need to catch up on friendships that have lost touch. so be shall be recieving a call from me (hopefully right after i get my license!!) but that wont be for a bit..cause these next couple weeks are going to be hecktick. time goes by way too fast.
till next time loves.