Aug 31, 2006 12:22
I just finished slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut. It was one of those cant-put-down for a minute reads. I usually hate science fiction but it only uses the sci-fi prose to underline the post-war mentality meaning. Now im reading A seperate peace. From the outline of the book it seems like its about two gay best friends (lovers?) in the 40s at a prestigious northern high school. If thats not what its about, im probably way off. Anyways, im only a few pages into it and its pretty good.
life aint posi: my rap name should be blaq kota
jessica manzano: hahaha
jessica manzano: yes!!
jessica manzano: blaqota
So its settled...... this is my new nick name. This is all i will answer to anymore.