My kid and what not....

Aug 26, 2008 11:31

As requested, here are a couple of recent pictures of Joshua Dalton Styes. He's now 4 months old, 16 pounds, 11 ounces and 26 inches long. And bald on top with hair in the back. And toothless. But he may be the cutest toothless, bald person I know. Yeah, he is!

In the bumbo seat, fat and happy:

Participating in mandatory "tummy time":

And some what not's....

EcoEternity Forests
Here is something that I found interesting. There is a movement in Germany and Switzerland that is catching on the US that is called EcoEternity Forests. In Europe, I think it is more an issue of the lack of land for cemeteries. But over here, I think it is more of a lifestyle (or after-lifestyle) choice. Anyways, your remains are cremated, put in a biodegradable urn and buried beneath a tree in a forest. Leading the movement in the US? A United Methodist in northern Virginia and his first to EcoEternity forests are on the property of UM camp and retreat centers. Individuals, families or groups of friends can lease a tree for 99 years and the camp and retreat center maintains the land. Up to 15 people can be buried beneath a single tree. Here is the website which has some good video clips. Check it out:

Spiritual Gifts Assessment
I'm thinking about including a link to this UMC Spiritual Gifts Assessment for next summer's staff and volunteers. My hunch is that most of our folks have never taken one and may find it helpful, if not necessarily earth shattering. I'd love to hear what you think: Spiritual Gifts

On-Line Course for Camp Staff and Volunteers
In a somewhat similar vein, I think this is pretty cool too. The ACA has developed an on-line course for camp staff and volunteers called "Camp is for the Camper". It focuses on basic concepts like being a role model, handling stress, managing camper behavior and age characteristics of children and youth. So if camp buys this course (which is only $39 for unlimited users), we can e-mail a link to every staffer and volunteer before they even arrive on site. It looks like a good way to start thinking about the unique role we take on each summer. Here are some screen shots: Camp is for the Camper

NAC Website
Sumatanga is getting a lot of publicity from the North Alabama Conference lately. Here we are front and center, twice:
Summer Camps 2008
Psalm 16 Campaign

Also, Laura Woodard now has a computer with internet in her office. So if you'd like to say hey, contact me and I'll send you her e-mail address.
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