That explains Kanon 6. Now WTF is going to happen when they have one final disk to release? If they make a boxset or start re-releasing from the beginning, I'm going to be excessively pissed.
Forecast for Monday: Calling Funimation and Navarre (their parent company) to complain. Preferably to their respective CEOs.
Honestly, wtf is wrong with them. Forcing ADV to cancel releases mere days before a final release of a series is absolute BULLSHIT.
Edit: Excerpt from my forum postings.
I can't believe that Funimation would cut ADV off right in as they were about to release Kanon v.6. How insane is that?? Knowing Funimation, they're likely to release a boxset or something and not bother with the last DVD that we've all been waiting months for.
I'm annoyed. Please join me in calling Funimation (817-788-0627) and finding someone to complain to that we want our 6th DVD and we want it now, not in two years. I intend to make a phone call exactly like that on Monday, but only as a group will they definitely listen.