A steady life, how odd. (Big life update- last section particularly important)

Jun 22, 2008 16:23

I find it odd that I have a fairly steady life at this point. It won't necessarily stay that way so much as eventually turn steadily hectic (once I'm a full Assistant, my schedule won't be Mon-Fri same times every day) but at least it's steady work, and I'm happy with what I'm doing.

So what am I doing? I may or may not have already told some of you (or whoever still really reads this) but I'm now an Assistant Manager In Training at Ocean State Job Lot. Amusing fact: Job Lot isn't just in the Ocean State anymore, there's about 80 locations around all of New England and New York. The upside to that, is that I can decide to relocate sometime when I see an opening and feel like moving, and it shouldn't be excessively complicated.

So, I'm working 50-ish hours a week and have a steady job with steady pay. At the moment, I'm still living at Mom's house in NK, which is giving me a bit of time to save up before I move.

Theoretically, I'll be moving in with Cliff (agent_grimm) once he sells his house in Bradford and buys a house in Warwick, but since this is all based on the housing market, that may or may not happen anytime soon.

In the meantime, I've been mostly spending my time between work, home and occasionally drifting off to hang out with friends. Haven't heard much from some folks, though most of my friends seem to be trying to make a living themselves and have little time for things like hanging out. Still, I'm trying.

I need to start exercising. That's the next thing on the docket, though the problems right now: my bike's broken, and the only local shop closed down, and there isn't space for most sorts of exercise equipment and such at home. I'm working on solutions, preferably something I won't hate. This will also be easier once I don't have to be up at 5am every morning, since an hour earlier to exercise would probably cost me my sanity in short order.

My training at work is going well. I'm now a full week ahead of schedule because I caught on "unusually fast" to the first few things. Cashier training was practically skipped after I demonstrated what 5 years of running the Ram's Den taught me, and the service desk and operations office were just extensions of things I already have an understanding for, even if I didn't know entirely. Most of the real hard stuff is remembering the full policy & procedure stuff. Actually doing the work is more fun.

Car's running okay, though I'm seriously considering a new one at this point. Either a Honda or another Toyota, probably, but mine is at about 97000 miles and repairs have been more frequent, though fortunately still relatively cheap. I'd like to switch over before I need new tires, though. I won't like switching over, the Errant Venture (my car's name) has gotten me through a lot, and I'm really still attached to it since it was Gram's car. I might try to keep it as a 'spare' car or something, perhaps... if I'm going to be living with Cliff and Bob, all of us with weird work schedules, it might actually be a good plan. We'll see.

Also, rumors are true that I've graduated. Pics are available off my facebook account, under tagged by others. My sister was nice enough to upload hers.

As for the usual activities, it's about normal. I started playing Culdcept Saga on the 360 and that's been sucking up massive amounts of time, I often play with friends on the weekends too. I love the music in that game.
I'm also looking forward to Kanon v.6 coming out on the 1st, and am starting to watch Hidamari Sketch after reading the first volume of the manga and finding it adorable. It's sort of like Azumanga Daioh goes to art school, only with different characters. It's great. Called 'Sunshine Sketch' on the manga, though. The Culdcept manga is also great for anyone who plays the game. Yay Najaran ^^ Also, I posted a fanfic of my own on my ff.net account. Email me for more info.

Nothing new on the relationship front, and I haven't been putting much time into changing that. It would be nice, but I'm low on single female friends, and on patience for finding new people. Most dating sites seem to be top-heavy on the side of single moms, and I'd kinda prefer not to be involved in that sort of thing. For now, I'm leaving well enough alone until something comes along.

That's really about everything. I'd like to see some of my friends who I haven't run into in a while, though, so go ahead and contact me if you're around RI and have some time! (Best email- kortir at gmail) I will be at Otakon for sure, and possibly CTcon and Portcon though those are iffy.

This last part is important, most of you who've known me for a few years should understand exactly what this means to me:
Also, I should mention that I've gotten better on one particular front that's been a black hole in my social life for some years. As of this year, after some very controlled tests, I've pretty much been declared okay to hang around with friends while they're drinking. I still shouldn't be around if you're planning to go past slightly inebriated, but I can deal with it if you're having a drink or two with/after dinner, which is more than I could in the past 24 years of my life. In that, I feel rather accomplished. (Many, many thanks to Rich, Justin and Ryan for five years of psychological help, thought tweaking and general discussion that made up the primary reasons I've gotten this far. I owe you guys more than you know.)

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