Mar 26, 2003 21:00
I am in a severe state of confusion right now. I don't have many celebrity friends on the site and the ones I do have are turning out to be not so great.
I thought supporting my bestfriend in her marriage was what bestfriends do and i thought that you could count on your bestfriend. So I stood next to her when she went to marry Dhani and then he starts bitching about how all her friends were being mean. I sat alone at the reception until brittany and jenny came over. and yet the blame is over on everybody. Thanx a lot. I even bought him a new game boy to replace the one that the other fuck offs broke! if you are going to drink do it reponsibly don't ruin sumone's wedding because of it!
And as for other people. Having sex at the reception smashing a gameboy telling my friend and her new husband that brittany just made the biggest mistake of her life.. HOW DARE YOU GUYS. I don't even know Dhani but I know Brittany and I know she is a bright girl she knows how to handle herself and if she chose Dhani then He is a good catch.
i hope all of you tell them that you are sorry for crushing their new hopes.
I love you Britt good luck babe... I wanna be god mommie!!