drivers ed and shitty music

Aug 04, 2008 11:10

so i had driers ed today, of course i had to ride my bike and it was wet i had a really wet ass when i got there it wasnt cool, the guy is pretty cool instead of two hours with a 30 min break in the middle we are going for 1 and a hlafd hours and getting out early, and the guy is a metal head and had a shirt on and i was semi farmiliar with the band bcause i accidentally downloaded a song when getting some poison the well. so he knew the song so he was like "you just some brownie points for ur test" and ythe funny thing is ITS THE WORST FUCKING MUSIC I HAVE EVER HEARD! seriously how could u like that crap the song is soul reaper by disscretion or something like that just seach for soul reaper and get the song by the and with a D as the first letter and ion as the last three and u will kill urself listening to it, apparently as he tells me and john they arent together anymore becase the ing is in jail for murder he should be in there for his music for starters
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