biographical info & notes

Jan 07, 2004 10:28

(Not complete yet.)

Name: Barrett Bonden


Date of Birth: 1771 (makes him 34)
Birthplace: the gun deck of the HMS Indefatigable
Hair color: dark blond
Hair style: messy waves, tied back with string
Eye color: green
Glasses/contacts?: No, excellent vision
Skin tone: tanned
Height: 5’6"
Build: compact and muscular, short but not slight
Special physical characteristics: Deep scar on right cheekbone. Face retains a certain youthfulness despite its weathered and scarred condition.
General health: Generally good. In excellent shape, very strong. Almost never suffers from seasickness, hangover or fever.
Specific health problems: Rheumatism in his fingers and hands due to overuse.
First thing you notice: An open, unassuming but no-nonsense stare, framed by the scar beneath his eye.
What does character consider his/her best physical characteristic?: Barrett doesn't think about such things often.
Worst physical characteristic?: He dislikes the look of his rough, gnarled hands, but is at the same time proud of what they symbolize.


Favorite foods:
Drinks: Barrett is content with his rum, but he does love a good dark beer.
Favorite article of clothing: His white shirt, as opposed to his jumper or wools. Because if he's wearing his white shirt, that means it's not terribly cold. Barrett hates the cold.
Smoker?: Pipe, when he can get it
Lives (e.g., apt. house): The Surprise is the only home he's ever really known. He can't imagine living anywhere else.


Married/single?: Single
Previous marriage?: No. He's never been onshore long enough.
Straight/gay/bi: Sailor. :)
Previous relationships:
Other family:


Parents: Father was sailor on HMS Indefatigable, mother was woman on board (died early)
Siblings: One brother, Bob, (on board which ship?)


Religious upbringing: That special mix of superstition and Protestant piety that most sailors share.
Present religious practice: The same, though he is curious at the Catholic rituals he sees Maturin do unconsciously from time to time.
Education: None formal, but Maturin is teaching him rudimentary reading and writing. Barrett is quick and smart, and though he leaves scholarship to the "gentlemen", he loves learning new things when he can.
Income: Sailor's wage, and whatever he can scrounge boxing in port.
Future hopes/plans: To hold that wheel straight and true till the day they sew him up and slide him off the platform.
Fears: Damaging his eyes in a match, or that his hands might stiffen too much to steer one day. Letting down his Captain. Losing the Surprise and his home.
Worst problem:
Special gifts or talents:
Bad traits:
Good traits:


Character Studies: Kiltie -- Molly -- Berry
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